Busty Asian Angels

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The Bunker / Dean's Bedroom

Dean was alone in his bedroom that afternoom, his legs restlessly dangling of the side of his bed. Sam had gone to the liberary earlier and hadn't checked in since. The soothing tones of Metallica was floowing from the speakers but still he didn't feel at ease.

Without thinking too much about it, Dean dug out an old, worn out magazine from under his matress and smiled at the Busty Asian girl on the cover. He had named her Ling Ling, and had come to consider her a friend. After all, she had gotten him through those rainy days after Hell. After he had been raised from perdition. The memory made him touch the handprint on his shoulder gingerly. Suddenly he felt even more eager to open up the sticky magazine.

Flipping through the yellowed pages, he felt and all to familiar numbness. It was happening more and more often these days and it frustrated him. Just last week he had gone home with some long-legged blond girl from the local bar and had spent the night sleeping in her bed.

He shook the reminder out of his head and continued to flip the pages until suddenly he stopped. His heart began to race as he stared down on one of the last pages of the magazine, a guilty look apearing on his face.

A tall girl was posing in a set of dark lingerie with a faint smile. Dean's gaze dropped to the pair of black feathery wings attached to her shoulders and could feel his palms becoming sweaty. This particular page was more sticky than the others and he hated himself for it. He kept telling himself it was wrong and yet every time he looked at the masculin-looking girl, with raven black hair on those piercing blue eyes, he couldn't help himself.

He could feel himself getting hard and knew he didn't have a choice. It would just be this last time, he promised himself, as he moved to the edge of the bed and turned his back to the door. With one hand, he pulled down his jeans and let his dick out of the prison. He didn't like to wear underwear.

With his eyes on the magazine, he grapped his member and began moving his hand while imagining small feathers tickeling the back of his neck. He was ready to burst after only a few strokes and allmost didn't hear the door swinging open.

"Dean - " A husky voice sounded, making the boy freeze his movements.

"Goddamit, Cas! "

"Dean, what are you doing?" The voice asked again, as Dean panicked and pulled his jeans back over his hipbones. He positioned himself flat on the bed, covering his crotch with a pillow.

"Are you ever gonna learn to fucking knock?" He hissed at the confussed angel standing in the doorway.

"Why would I knock? " Castiel asked, while staring at the boy. He didn't understand why this human was always so flushed when he was around. It concerned him.

"Did you not listen at all when we talked about personal space?"

"Yes, but I'm not standing close to you. "
The angel answered. After his talk with Dean he tried to always stand at least six feet away from his best friend.

"And I aprreciate that but you still need to get the hell out of my room. " Dean raised his voice, making the Angel even more confused.

"Why? "

"Cause I need privacy. "

"I don't see why you need privacy to read. " Castiel asked looking at the magazine, which Dean had thrown aside on the bed. The open pages caught his attention and made him move closer to the bed.

"What are you doing? Cas no! "

The angel grabed the magazine and brought it closer to his face to study it.

"This is ridicilous, our wings are much bigger than that. " He mumbled, looking at the strange asian woman.

"Jeez Cas, would you stop talking about how big you are and get out? "

Dean answered taking the magazine out of his friend's hand. He stuck it back under the matress, while attempting to hide a blush.

"Are you okay? You look like you may have a fever. " The angel asked, looking from the boys red face to the used clinex on his bed. He didn't understand why Dean didn't just come to him when he was sick.

"Here, let me make you better ." He said, taking another step towards the bed, while holding up two fingers.

"What? Cas no! That's really not necesary. " Dean stuttered, looking at the angel with pure terror on his face. Castiel ignored him and leaned over the bed to press his fingers against the sick boy's forehead. Nothing happened.

"I don't understand - " He began, but then stopped talking. He couldn't feel any sickness in Dean but he felt something else. Something that affected every cell in his body and seemed to grow stronger the moment he touched him.

"Look there's nothing wrong with me, will you please just leave? "

Dean asked, his voice suddenly softer almost a whisper. Castiel knew he should listen but couldn't bring himself to end the physical contact. He wanted to understand these human emotions.

"As soon as you tell me what's bothering you. " The angel answered in a low voice. He began tracing his fingers down towards the boy's jawline not sure why he was doing it.

"You know I can't, Cas. "

"Why not? "

"Because you wouldn't understand. "

Dean turned his face slightly, making his lips brush against the angel's fingertips. The action made Castiel widen his eyes and withdraw his hand, just as Dean had suspected it would. It hurt more than he cared to admit.

"Sam is back. " Castiel spoke, tilting his head like he was listening for something. For a moment, Dean could've sworn he heard disapointment in his voice, but he quickly pushed the thought aside. 

"We should go find out, if he has any new leads about the case. " The angel added. Dean moved the pillow awkwardly over his crotch.

"Yeah you go ahead, I'll be right up. " He said with a strained smile. The angel started to leave but stopped on the way out of the room. His back was turned towards Dean as he spoke.

"You know Dean. - " He hesitated for at moment.

"There really is nothing wrong with you. "

He didn't dare to look at Dean, while he said the words, but he could feel his gaze burning the small hairs in the back of his neck.

There was a hint of sadness in Deans voice when he answered.

"Thanks Buddy. "


The Angel was beginning to hate that word, though he couldn't understand why.


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