· · ·p r o l o g u e· · ·

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Carter, a sixteen year old boy sat silently in his room and on his bed. Another boy next to him. They sat like middle schoolers. Awkward and kind of sweaty.

Carter was a shy kid. Always had been. A happy one as well. But he did have but a handful internet friends and an amazing real one. (but we'll get into that later~)

Alya, his mother, never talked about his real father to him. He had left them with Carter at a very young age. This left Alya to take care of her sweet child alone.

Three years passed and Carter was 6. Alya had met a very nice man named George. He had a son named, Damen.

Damen was 8. He was having a rough time, dealing with his mother's death, caused by an overdose of heroine. He didnt like the fact that his father chose to move on so quickly. With that, he decided to hate Carter as well as Alya.

Now, two more years passed. George and Alya had happily gotten married. They bought a house, giving the two boys their own rooms. This, they hoped, would give them room to adjust to their new family.

Carter was happy for his mom and he really liked George. Damen, kept his hate towards Carter, but slowly grew a decent relationship with Alya for his father's sake.

Now to the present.

It was the summer before Carter's junior year.

He had met a boy named Luke in his favorite hang out spot, a cafe. They began sitting, talking. Sipping their chai tea like the hipsters they were.

Carter invited this boy to his house and brought him to his room.

"So..." Carter trailed off, nervously fidgeting with his thumbs. Then he glanced up, stating at the pair of lips on front of him.

Luke licked his lips, gulping. He too, fidgeting with his thumbs, anxiously awaiting what is soon to come.

Carter leaned in, his cheeks heating up.

The sudden movement caused Luke to lean back. "U-Um. Hey." He said gulping.

Carter's fidgeting stopped. He put a hand on Luke's shoulder. His heart racing. The house was so silent you could practically hear it loud and clear.

And with the shift of bedsheets, their lips met. Warmth ran over both of their bodies as Luke held Carter by his arms. Carter's hand on Luke's face now, in return.

Damon had been calling the boys for dinner for at least five minutes. He suddenly began walking upstairs. "I have been calling you for how long now-" Muttering curses under his breath, he opened the door wide.

He stopped. "FuckING FAGGOTS!" A camera shutter went off. Carter quickly pulled away, turning red.

Shit. He thought. He never wanted this to happen so soon. He knew what Damon thought of people like him. And now, he was sure never seeing Luke again. Carter was far from ready to even touch the door of the closet. Let alone the knob.

"Well, well, well." Damon smirked. His motives with this information could not be good. "And I knew you would break sometime. Even I didn't expect it to be this soon."

Carter shot up. Luke stayed on the bed, keeping his head down as if he were I'm trouble. "Y-You knew?" Carter's face grew worried. He knew what Damon was capable of and he wasn't prepared for anything he had in store.

Damon glanced at his closet, clearing his throat, and pointing at the multiple short sleeve button ups. Some were plain colored (white, grey, salmon, ect.), not really questionable. But to the side there were multiple floral and plant ones. Damon pulled the out one by one, tossing them on the floor in a scrunched up ball.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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