I need you

18 3 1

When I woke up the next morning I woke up to a very mint and lavender smell, when I woke up I remembered that I'm now staying in Becca's room. I hear her breath heavy and she looks up at me smiling "hi" she says to me so quietly "hi" I say as soft as she did "good morning" she smiles at me "good morning" she laughs "last night was a little crazy" I chuckle to myself "what?" she asks "a little?" then we start laughing together "yeah I guess you're right there wasn't anything a little crazy about that! It was just plain crazy!" We lay there laughing at ourselves for awhile until she gets up walking to the bathroom. "It's time to get ready" so get up and turn the tv on while she occupying the bathroom. I really don't know what to do while she's in there, I'm by myself out here so I have no idea what to do. So I'm sitting at the end of the bed playing with my hands while watching tv.

"Ok, the bathroom is all yours." She says coming out wearing a very cute flowing button up shirt with dark blue skinny jeans and a very cute white pair of heels. "Woah, where did that come from?" she laughs at me "I don't always wear that rock n roll stuff I like to be classy too" I can't help but stair at her, she's breath taking. "you look beautiful" she turns to me "thank you" kissing me on the cheek "I'll be back later" then I finally catch up to what's happening "wait? where are you going?" she turns back "I'm going to the courthouse, I'm going to get a restraining order on Brian." I stand up "ok, just be careful. how are you getting there" she then turns her head biting her bottom lip "damn it! I always forget I don't have a car!" then I can't help but give in "you can take my car if you'd like." I smile at her "you sure?" I nod at her "I'm positive, I trust you" I handed her my moms keys "I promise you I won't be long." She kisses me softly "oh one more thing! After last night, I think I love you." She said to me. "I feel the same way" I said softly "you better go now" she turns and walks away "bye" I wave and head back into the room "well I'll just get into the shower then" I said to myself, when I got into the bathroom I noticed Becca's phone was still in the bathroom. So I just unlocked her phone and played her music while I was in the bathroom taking a shower. The first song that came on was this is how we do by Katy perry. I liked Becca's taste in music it was great!

When I get out of the shower, I walk out of the bathroom and run right into Becca. " Hey you're back already?" she smiled lightly "yeah I'm back, it didn't take long. they'll deliver the envelope to him before four o'clock!" she says while looking down at my towel "might I say Ashton? that you look pretty sexy in just a towel!" she giggles. "Thank you" I say while feeling my cheeks start to turn red "she looks back down at it again, she takes her skirt off, coming towards me "what are you doing?" I ask nervously "I'm going to the bathroom" she says with a tone that states "I wasn't coming onto you that way" she walks past me. Then I hear from the bathroom "that's where my phone went!" I laugh to myself "were you listening to my music?" I turn around with Becca right in front of me, also in just a towel now "Um, yes? is that ok?" she smiles "that's fine, we are technically living together right now" she comes closer "kiss me?" I lean into her softly laying a kiss on her cherry lips. I pull away from her, only for her to pull me closer, kissing me a bit more hungrily "Ashton I need you" I pull back a bit "I can't" she looks up "why not?" she asks a bit hurt, oh god what have I gotten myself into with this beautiful mess of a woman? "I'm.. I'm a virgin" she smiles "so am I" I'm shocked "are you serious? you've never once had sex with your boyfriend?" she shakes her head "no, I didn't feel like he was the right one, before he got abusive." I lean in kissing her the same way she did me a few seconds ago " I know this may seem crazy but I think I've found the right person for me to loose it to, and she's standing I'm front of me" she smiles "I feel the same way." she kissed me slowly, while I was backing us up towards the bed. while backing up her towel had fallen off of her, I could feel her skin on me. mine came off as soon as we layer back. "I don't know what I'm doing" she laughs at what she's saying "its ok I don't either" but I grab her waist and flip us over to where I'm on top of her holding myself up with my arm. "kiss me again" she asks. I lean down kissing her with love and passion... I think that's what it is "are you sure you want to do this?" I ask her pulling up to look at her face "yes" I shake my head "no I-I can't. I'm sorry. maybe in the future though"

I stood up, wrapping the towel back around my waist. "I understand." I smirk "yeah ok" she gets up "I'm serious" I nod "I know, thanks for the offer" I smile when she lightly hits my arm "you're welcome" I get dressed and turn on the tv. "You want to go ride today?" Becca asked me "sure, lets go!" while heading out the door Becca had almost tripped, but good thing I was there. she would've hit her face on the railing on the outside of the room. "Thanks" she lets out a breath of relief "now you're welcome." she smiles "lets go!" she grabs my hand running for the theme park, I could barely keep up! "Slow down" I yell out laughing at her. "No!"


Ok I'm so sorry it's so short but I've ha people bugging me to update it and I don't want you all to wait any longer so yeah!! Here you go, they apart did the deed! But don't worry they will at some point!! Love you all!

~Alli :)

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