8: time

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"You still can't remember."
He wipes his tears away.
He frustratedly runs his fingers through his hair.
"No one mentioned me having a Boyfriend before the accident."
"I was told to stay away from you Y/N."
"Your just getting me even more confused. If I was in the hospital, wouldn't you have visited me. Even if anyone told you not to? Or is this some joke?"
"It's hard to explain. Can't we just forget about that?"
"Why can't you just say yes already."
"To what?"
"Be my Girlfriend."
"Not yet" I continue.
"What why?"
"You see. Even if I was your girlfriend. I'm not yours anymore. Although I like you. We need more time."
I let out a sigh.
"Soon. Baby girl. I'll get you back. I'll wait. No matter how Long it takes. Maybe you don't like me Too much just yet. But you'll soon be head over heels for me. Time is all it takes."
He smiled.
That gummy smile of his.
My heart is suffering.
Min yoongi.
Why are you like this?
I really like you...
But I can't.
I shouldn't...
Hey readers!! I'm back after a jabillion Years HAHAHA I'm sorry that I'm have no time management whatsoever. Also it's June holidays so um well I Guess you'll be seeing really little updates. Not like you'll be waiting for them. HAHAHA ok bye :")

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