Chapter 15

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Hey guys i know that Astrid is a bit out of character, i mean a bit more cheerful and shows fear sometimes but i decided that she's facing difficulties often in her life at that moment and with Hiccup she can find peace and love, she faces all kinds of feelings.

P.S: For those who are wondering were Hiccup lives, he lives at the sanctuary and the Queen is on the dragon island

We went back to Hiccup's place and he offered me those delicious fruits again which i gladly accepted since i hadn't eaten anything at the main hall and it was already night. We sat down on the soft grass of his front garden and silently started eating.

I kept on pondering something all this time so i decided to voice it out instead "Hey can i ask something?"

"Sure, anything"

"If those dragons attack for food then why didn't they attack in those previous weeks? it's been too long since they attacked and now they suddenly show up" i asked

He looked a little hesitant all of a sudden "oh ah.. well, i was sending her food daily in those weeks to keep her satisfied, i thought i had it under control but i think she lost it lately"

Ok that got me curious "why?" i asked

He took a moment "I just wanted your village and the others to be safe....... i don't want you losing anyone you love" he said slowly but smiling at me 

That made my heart flutter a thousand times, Hiccup certainly keeps surprising me with his generosity, kindness, and gentleness. He didn't want my village to be attacked because he didn't want me losing anyone i care about, he didn't want to see me sad or any of us mourn the other. Hiccup thought of us all and tried protecting us and yet the people he was protecting them were calling him a devil and ugly.

Just remembering the what the said about him made me feel gloomy and angry from inside. If only they knew.....

"Hey you okay?" Hiccup took me out of my reverie by his concerned tone

i blinked twice to refocus "Y-yeah i'm fine" and faked a smile

He wasn't convinced "Are you sure? you seemed to have gone gloomy, did something happen today?" he asked visibly curious

"Well.." i gulped "Snotlout and i had an argument today and the chief was there so..."

"Did he do something to you?" he asked warily

"No he didn't do anything" i answered and he sighed in relief

"What was the argument about?" he asked softly and looked at me expectantly

"Well snotlout said something that kind of ticked me off" i answered

He kept staring at me promptly "He talked...ill of you and i just got angry" i said lowly

I sensed him tensing beside me and he looked away "what did he say?" he asked coldly like all kinds of emotion diminished from his soul 

I held my breath and prayed silently "He said that you're ugly.....and a....devil" i answered very lowly trailing off in the end, i mentally slapped myself for answering

He abruptly got up and walked away "Hiccup" i called him softly after getting with him

He was less than 5 feet away when he turned to me and his green orbs held too many emotions replacing the other that i couldn't comprehend 

"Hiccup i-i'm sorry i....."

"It's okay Astrid, i'm not mad" he cut me off sharply while nodding at me as if to reassure me but i knew that this was far from okay

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