Wishing On A Broken Heart {Various Anime x Reader}

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A/N: Hey everyone! I had this idea at 5:30 in the FREAKING MORNING!!! Yeah, I just jolted awake and had to make it, considering what's going to happen in the story is what I want to happen to me and I'm sure that you fellow Otaku's would want as well! Anyways, don't want to keep you guys waiting. So you may read on~!

Today was the last day of school. FINALLY! It was the last class of the day and you had five minutes left before your summer vacation started. Just thinking about the three months of doing nothing but going on your laptop and updating your status on (insert website you use) and able to go hang out with your boyfriend (boyfriend's name) made the time pass a little faster, but not fast enough.

You grab the hem of your shirt in anticipation. 'Only three minutes left then I'm in the clear' you think to yourself.

Two minutes...

Looking around the room you see other students ready to go.

One minute...

Grabbing your bag you sling it on your shoulder(s). Checking the clock you see that you only have ten seconds left.




The teacher stands then strides to the door.




The teacher opens the door and stands aside, as to not get run over by the thirty excited students ready to leave the place most refer to as 'Hell'.





You jump up along with everyone else. You try to take it slow to get to the door so you wouldn't be so squished trying to get out of the room. Most of the people had filed out by now. Walking a little faster you walk out the room but not before telling your teacher to 'Have a great summer!'

The halls were somewhat crowded but you made it through in no time. Walking out of the school you breathe in the warm summer air. It was a perfect day to walk through the park. Walking towards town you see some people are already partying with their friends.

Sighing you wished you could hang out with your friend (friend's name). But she had to go straight home to pack to spend time with her family.

After walking for a good ten minutes you make it to the park. The fountain was beautiful; the crystal clear water was sprinkling down from the spout at the top. You decide to sit down on the edge of the fountain. Checking to see if you had any change you pull out a penny, made a wish, and threw it into the fountain, watching it sink slowly down to the bottom.

Sitting there you look at your surroundings. Seeing flowers blooming and trees whispering to each other with the winds help. Standing up you walk towards the batch of flowers examining the shapes and colors. Picking up a flower you twirl it between your thumb and pointer finger.

You decided to head home. Spinning around you see something you never wanted to see.

(Friend's name) and (Boyfriend's name)

Not only together but...


There was a pang in your heart. At this point you had so many emotions running rampant in your head. Anger, sadness, guilt, betrayal, and so much more.

You stalked over to where they were sitting sucking each other's face off. Clearing your throat not only for you to be noticed but because you had a lump in your throat, the tears threatening to spill over at a moment's notice.

They pull away glaring at the person who interrupted them. Their expression changes to one of shock. "(Your name)!" Your former boyfriend says in surprise. "I can't believe you would do this (Friends name). You're my best friend for crying out loud!" "(Your name)-" (Boyfriend's name) tries to cut in. "I'll deal with you in a second!" You say sternly. "(Friend's name), we've been friends since childhood. You know everything there is to know about me and I know everything about you! How could you do this?" You scream at her but she just sits there silently.

"And you!" You yell turning to (Boyfriend's name). He tries to shrink down in his seat. Tears were falling from your now red puffy eyes. "I don't want to ever. EVER! See you again." Before you could stop yourself you slap him, hard, on his cheek.

Turning you run home; bumping into people while keeping your head down. Finally getting home you slam the door shut, run upstairs to your room and plop down onto the soft bed. You just stare at ceiling replaying what happened over and over in your mind.

'How could such a good day turn out like this?'

You turn over onto your side and crawl under the covers. Resting your head on the pillows you see your (favorite anime character) body pillow. Grabbing it you slightly smile remembering when you got it for your birthday from your parents. You were so happy; you had wanted it for the longest time.

Closing your heavy eyes you start to drift to sleep.

"I wish I could go to different anime worlds and meet my favorite characters." You whisper before drifting into a deep slumber.

A/N: So guys what do you think? Some feedback would be nice and if you're confused about anything don't be afraid to ask me your questions. I will gladly answer them! And here are the hints for the next chapter:

1) Black Crow

2) Blue Ring

3) Hamburgers

4) Coffee

5) Pistols

6) Sunflowers

7) Sweets

8) Bird

9) Stop Sign

10) Blue Flames

Please know these are not all from the same anime. Also, I need you to comment the number of what you want because without your vote I wouldn't know who to do next! Also if the first person who guessed the name of the character that goes with the number I will dedicate that chapter to you! And I will comment on your page if you won the game, so to speak.

So thanks for reading this guy's it means a lot to me!

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