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* 5 years later*

I never thought my life would come to this.

Today has been 5 years since Ethan passed away.

I decided to keep our dream alive and continue with YouTube.

I didn't focus on anything else.

No parties.

No drugs.

No alcohol.

No relationships.

I was stood at a beach in Los Angeles.

I moved a year after Ethan's passing.

Since I opened up about Ethan's passing, the suicide rates have dropped significantly.

Today the Mayor of Los Angeles was presenting me with an award.

We worked on this together and decided to call it the Ethan Dolan Award.

Named after my brother obviously.

From this year onwards at 4:27 PM there will be a minutes silence to remember Ethan.

"Please welcome up to the stage Mr. Grayson Dolan," Mayor Garcetti announces me and I walk on the stage.

"Thank you, I want to start by saying thank you. To everyone who turned up today. To everyone watching all over the world. Ethan would be so happy. Erm... I wanna say thank you to my Mom, my Dad and my Sister. You guys have helped me so much. I don't know where I would be without you guys. Ethan, I know you are watching out for all of us. I love you man and I miss you so freakin much Eeteeweetee and I'm gonna be honest I don't know how I've come this far... Without You,"

Without You G.DWhere stories live. Discover now