Chapter 3

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~Emma's P.O.V.~

I can't believe Tessa did that, to my own cousin, well second cousin, but still! Wow I can't believe her. Does she like Elizabeth or what??

I saw Elizabeth and Taylor walk away from us, Elizabeth seems to be uncomfortable now. I'll leave her alone right now, I got to deal with Tessa first. 

~Elizabeth's P.O.V.~

Why did she do that? I don't mind people touching me, but not in a sexual way. Why did she do that? My face feels so hot, and the cold air isn't really helping. I could hear Taylor mumbling angrily. but I barley heard what she said. 

"Taylor..."I said quietly. She didn't hear me. "Taylor," I said a little louder. She turned to face me, giving me a smile, but I could see anger in her eyes still. I was confused why she was angry. 

"Why are you angry?" I ask. I saw a little tint of red in her cheeks. 

"No reason, you feel too hot you need to settle yourself," she said as she made me sit on a bench. I didn't battle her for forcing me onto the bench. She sat next to me. 

~Taylor's P.O.V.~

"Does she like me?" I hear Elizabeth say. 'She must, and if not she's a fucking pervert' is what I wanted to say, but I didn't.

"Maybe..." I say instead. She looked up into the grey sky. 

"Why does the sky have to be grey all the time in winter?" She asked. I looked up as well. Some snow flakes fell from the sky. 

"I don't know, why I think it's grey all the time is because winter seems like a lonly season, that the only colors there are in winter are grey, white, brown and black," I answer. She looked at me, giving me a small smile. 

"I think so too," she says before leaning in to kiss me. (Taylor don't be angry,I didn't know what else to write about!)

(... .______. ..... Okei.... ~Taylor)

~Ariana's P.O.V.~

Wow, this Tessa girl knows how to make people blush...madly. Seeing her touch Elizabeth like that and Elizabeth blushing from it, I just wanted to laugh. Guess Elizabeth can attract Lesbians to her now. Emma kept yelling at Tessa from the insodent, I just wanted to laugh about it, like wow, I don't think i've ever seen Emma this made before. 

"Emma chill," Electra said, Karly nodded. OH HOW I HATE HER! I mean Karly not Electra. 

I see Elizabeth and Taylor coming back, guess they took a little walk. Elizabeth seemed to have calmed down a bit, but her face was still flushed. I walk up to them. 

"You ok?" I ask. She nods and walks towards Emma. 

~Emma's P.O.V.~

"Next time don't do that!" I yelled to Tessa, she lowers her head and givings a small nod. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look to see Elizabeth. She seemed to have calmed down. Good.

"Stop yelling at her, she's fine," Elizabeth said calmly. I sigh, gave a quick glare to Tessa and walked to talk with Electra and Karly.

~Tessa's P.O.V.~

All she does is stand there. I forgot her name already. I feel butterflies in my stomach. Help me Lord!

"What?" she says, she looks uncomfortable. 

"I-I forgot your name," I say. She says nothing at first.

"Elizabeth," she says. she starts to walk off.

"I'm sorry about earlier," I blurt, she stops and looks at me. I blush again. I've never felt like this towards a girl, she's doing something to me, but what is it. "I wasn't thinking straight," 

"It's fine," Elizabeth says and walks off. I sigh. I tried talking to her, but I'm failing. I walk over to my twin bother Jack, who's talking to a blond boy. 

~Leroy's P.O.V.~

"Why would your sister do that?" I ask, not noticing her by us. I look at what Jack was seeing, to see his twin sister. "Sorry," 

"It's fine," she says and sits by her brother. 

"W-Why did you do that, T-Tessa?" Jack asked. Why does he stutter so much? Does he have a disability or something?

"I wasn't thinking straight," Tessa scoffed at her brother. Wow, great sibling love. I stand up from my seat. 

"I'll talk to you later, Ok Jack?" Jack nodded and I headed off to talk with Elizabeth, to see how she's feeling. Tessa really did that, in public, why would she do that? Does she like Elizabeth? Or is she a pervert? I don't know. I'll find out later. I see Taylor and Elizabeth Talking to each other, so i run up to them. 

"Hey girls," I say as I just walked up to them. "How are you feeling Elizabeth?"

"I'm feeling fine, still a little flushed....Can we stop talking about what happened?" Elizabeth asks. Me and Taylor nod, and Elizabeth gives a weak smile.

~Time skip~

 Snow started to fall on us, soon it started to get heavy. 

"We should all find shelter" I yell over the loud sound of the snow. 

"Ok!" They both yelled back. 

"But we need the others first," Taylor yells walking to where the others would be, me and Elizabeth follow. 

~Lill time skip~

We find shelter at an old pizza place, that we never knew was here. I started to wipe snowflakes off me, to make sure my clothes won't get wet from them. 

"What is this place?" Electra asked, maybe a little scared. We all shrug in the dark. Someone turned on there flashlight on their phone, it was Taylor. 

"Is everyone ok? Do we have everyone?" Taylor asks seeing if we left anyone behind. 

Well all yell out our names and we now all know we have everyone, but one. 
"Where's Elizabeth?" I ask. 

"I don't know, maybe she walked off?" Karly said. She turned on her flash light on her phone and looked down a hall. we all went down each hall in pairs. I went with Taylor, Karly with Electra, Emma with Ariana, and Tessa with Jack. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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