Chapter One

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Written by Locally_Gay and CarWritesFanfic (in order of writing)


Rich Gorinski was leaning up against a locker. His eyes narrowing as he saw Jeremy Heere and Michael Mell chatting. They both had large grins on their faces and Rich hated it. He was glad that his best friend Michael Mell was happy, but he was pissed by the fact that Jeremy was the one making the Filipino feel such emotion. 

Jake Dillinger was standing next to Rich, "So uh. . .what do you want to do after school? There's a good coffee shop, or we can get pizza."

Rich didn't respond, he just kept staring at Michael and Jeremy.

The brunette rolled his eyes, "Rich." He laid a hand on the males shoulder.

Rich jumped and looked back, "What? Sorry I wasn't paying attention." He confessed

"I could see that." Jake pursed his chapped lips, "So, after school. Do you want Pizza or coffee?"

"Pizza, Duh! Do you know me?" He laughed.

Jake returned the gesture, smiling brightly at the small male in front of him. Meanwhile, Jeremy and Michael were high as a kite.

"Dude, we're LITERALLY hiding in plain sight! The teachers have no idea!"

"I can't feel my Butt."

"You don't have A butt, Jeremy." Michael  snickered, "But seriously, we need to hide out into a Bathroom stat!" he lead the male into a Bathroom.

Rich's brows furrowed, not paying attention to Jake. Why was Michael going into a Bathroom with Jeremy.

"So then I told Chloe: 'At least I don't look like Mrs. Piggy' and then-"

"Yeah, that's great. Bye, Jake!" Rich cut the brunette off, and snuck closer to the bathroom.

When he cracked open the door to the bathroom,  his eyes narrowed since he saw a strange sight.

Michael and Jeremy were on the floor, giggling to one another.

"Truth or dare?" The Filipino, put a hand on Jeremy's leg.

"Dare! I'm no chicken!"

Rich saw Michael blush, and lean close to the pale brunette, "I Uh. . .I dare you to kiss me." The Filipino snickered.

The blondes eyes widened. Half of him wanted to rush in there and break them apart and the other half wanted to wait and see what Jeremy would do.

He chose the wrong side.

Jeremy gulped and started to lean in, "A dare's a dare." He raised his brows and closed his eyes, closing the space between him and the Filipino.

Michael kissed back, and Rich felt like his heart was going to break into two. Rich's eyes widened. He gulped, fingers playing with the rim of his shirt. The blonde gulped. This is what Michael wanted! He initiated it for Pete's sake.

Rich sighed, rubbing his temples. He slowly backed up, running into someone's chest. The blonde turned around quickly, meeting eyes with a tall male with blue particles swirling around him. His eyes were electric blue, and his hair was as black as night. Skin pale, features sharp and voice smooth as marble.

"Are you really going to let them go on like that?" Rich's SQUIP started, "Those gays? Really? I thought you were better than that."

Rich felt a pang in his chest, "I-I was about to--" He got zapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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