Meowizer 2.0

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So first of all the overall layout.

So first of all the overall layout

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Why did you decide to change Meowizer?

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Why did you decide to change Meowizer?

Personally, I felt that Meowizer's first design was too plain, as I first designed her when I was like, 9? So she's basically had nearly 5 years looking like this. And honestly, I didn't want to keep the same design forever, something gotta change.

Like Adonis, for instance, he didn't even used to be full wolf (if it can even call him that tbh) and now he's full wolf. And not just one shade of blue either.

I, for one, like to change things after a certain amount of time, or if I forget the original design I started off with and I end up with something entirely different.

Meowizer never actually used to have goggles up til a few month ago, but she still looked the same.

While Meowizer is clearly more grey, she has more white around her entire body now and more colours (even if you can't see it).

Another thing, is that I myself have changed from when I was 9ish. I mean, c'mon, I think we all change over the years, and our likes and dislikes change as well.

I just wanted something knew.

Peace out!

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