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~ Rule One ~  Do Not God Mode. At all!

~ Rule Two ~ No Cussing

~ Rule Three ~ NO SMUTS. Keep it two PMs, I'd like to keep my innocence.

~ Rule Four ~ No power-play or Mary Sue/ Gary Stu.

~ Rule Five ~ Every reply MUST be at least a paragraph. No One-liners.

Ex. Harmony twisted, avoiding the blaster bolt as it shot past her, her long blond hair swinging in its ponytail. Her eyes were closed as she reached into the force, using it to increase her speed to sprint away from her attackers. Harmony had just began to run, when a stunner bolt struck her in the shoulder and she collapsed to the rocky ground, fading into unconsciousness.

The stormtrooper grinned as she fell.

No. Just no. Why would someone respond like that?

~ Rule Six ~ No Overpowering yourself.

~ Rule Seven ~ No Lorebreaking/Bending. 

Ex. Someone with NO TRAINING in lightsaber combat using a lightsaber. 

Someone like that will probably lop off their own arm.

~ Rule Eight ~ Passcode is the underlined letters in the rules.

~ Rule Nine ~ Four Ocs at a MAX. Cannon Characters do not count.

~ Rule Ten ~ If someone in an important place, Ex: Rebel Leaders, does not respond with in three days, their spot will be given away and their character will be demoted.

~ Rule Eleven  ~ Have Fun! 

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