My Ocs

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Name// Sage Ivira Silverly

Nicknames// Silver, Bellberry

Gender// Female

Age// 23

Species// Human

Role// Rebel

Home World// Naboo

Rank// Jedi Padawan

Appearance// Sage has waist length long black hair, which she keeps in a braid, and well tanned skin from working in the outdoors. She also has stunning eyes which are a brilliant turquoise blue in color. Sage has a lightsaber scar running across her back from one shoulder to one hip and another lightsaber scar on her right arm.

Personality// Sage is a normally sweet tempered girl with a mischievous steak a mile long. She has a harder side when a person hurts someone she loves. Sage also is incredibly curious and gets into everything. She is also very adventurous, but at times, when meeting someone new, she is very shy.

Likes//  Nature. Sage loves nature. Anything to do with nature. She also likes to swim and climb. Sage loves the rebellion, almost as much as she loves nature.

Dislikes// Spiders and Scorpions. She has extreme arachnophobia . Her friend had tricked her with a spider earlier in life. She also is claustrophobic.

Strengths// Sage is very talented in force mediation and powers, always using meditation to calm down. She is also adapt in two forms, however, Sage is better in Niman then Ataru. She prefers to go the diplomatic way in missions, if possible, but she will fight if need be.

Weaknesses// She is a wise opponent, however, when faced with a Jedi who knows her chosen forms, she can be somewhat predictable with lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat.

Weapon Of Choice// Her lightsabers are dual emerald green sabers, with simple, straight hilts.

Powers// Sage has all the required Jedi force powers, a little stronger than a normal knight.

Family// Mother ~ Misty Silverly Father ~ Jason Silverly 

Backstory// Sage mainly lived a happy life until she was 5. At that age, her farm was attacked and her parents were killed. Sage fled into the forest and watched as stormtroopers burned the place to the ground. She was found by the rebellion and basically raised by them.


Name// Jasmine Kalimera Dreem

Nicknames// Kallie, Jazzy

Gender// Female

Age// 10

Species// Human

Role// Civilian

Home World// Bespin {Cloud City}

Rank// None

Appearance// Jasmine is a small girl with amber eyes and frizzy, bright red hair. She has pale skin and a normal stature with a wild spray of freckles across her nose. Her hair is always down, held back with a white headband. She wears black leggings and a white, long sleeve shirt.

Personality// Jasmine is a quiet, playful child, however she can be very wild and has a strong will.  She is also stubborn and is always bouncing around. With this, she is slow to anger, treating most people kindly. She also is rare to fight, if at all. Jasmine is very innocent and sassy, as well.

Likes// Jasmine loves all of her family and friends, treasuring them. She also loves animals, like most little kids. 

Dislikes// Bullies. Jasmine doesn't like bullies and thinks they are, in her words, "Really, Really Mean." She also doesn't like fire that much, as her older brother was killed in a fire.

Strengths// Her innocence. Most people underestimate her and that can be a good thing. She is also a strong climber and climbs everything she can.  She is quite strong but, being smaller, most people don't thing that.

Weaknesses// Her innocence, as well as being a strength, could very well get her killed. She talks her mind. If said to the wrong person, that too, could get her hurt or even killed.

Weapon of Choice// Her hands if she must fight.

Powers// None

Family// Mother-Emily Father-Nicholas Brother-{Dead} Peter

Backstory// I am Lazy and will do it later.

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