Cut 5

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I woke up in a bed that was neatly done. i looked up at a white ceiling and saw the whole room color of white. i got up and i still felt this urge for me to rip steve's eyes out. i told him it would get bloody.

"I told you!" I yelled out as i grabbed a chair and threw it at the wall. "I told you to never yell cut!" I yelled out as i tried pulling out my own hair. i was like raging fire. I couldn't control it nor calm myself down. 

I heard a beep and spotted a camera glancing at me. i walked over to the bed to get a better look and it moved as i walked to the other side. 

I then walked back and it did it again. I felt anger. I threw another chair. "I told you. not. to say. Cut!" I yelled as i kicked the bed and threw some papers on the floor. i banged and kicked on the desk and threw the lamp as it shattered the whole glass and the light showed. 

I then stopped to spot a paper that had a picture of me gagged and tied up with blood on me. 

I picked it up and read the article. "Actress robbed and tied up with director and crew's corpse." the headline read as i read it outloud to myself. i remeber that day i figured out my so called inner monster. I ripped it apart and anger and continued to break the lamp. 

I spotted a door leading out and ran to turn the knob as it was jammed. i pounded on the door and screamed. "I need the camera on me. we need to roll the film. say Action!" I demanded yelling as my voice echoed the whole room.

The door knob had turned and i got ready. steve walked in and he held a dart. i stopped as he implied me to not attack or else he'll use the dart. I wasn't afraid and he was acting like i was afraid but i wasn't. i was basically going to go off any minute. 

"We got off wrong." He said. "You said CUT!" I screamed as i scracthed his face with the broken glass. it left a bloody scar. "Ok, calm down. Come with me, we can solve this and i'll explain everything." He said as he wiped the blood. 

He lead me outside and i followed him as i breathed heavily. we entered a room filled with people with white suits on and with clipboards and the walls and floors were plain white and a box glass. the guys were standing side to side back against the walls like statues.

I ran towards them as steve managed to catch me and hold me tight to make sure i didn't get near them. they all jumped and looked like they were prepping their lives to leave their bodies. "I want to kill. your little boss did this!" I screamed at them as i ripped the part of steve's shirt on his arm with my teeth. 

"Chill! Chill!" Steve yelled as he let go of me and i was on the ground and i got back up. Two men grabbed me by both my arm and i tried to struggle and yelled as they threw me inside the glass box. i pounded on the glass and kicked in anger.  

"Listen, listen, avery. we know your angry. but, listen, i told you we were going to run some test." He said as he walked closer trying to calm me down.

"THAT WAS THE TEST! What do you mean we were going to run a test we already did?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as i pounded on the glass as it caused steve to jump back and get frightened. 

"Ok, what these men are doing is testing how you become when the director says cut. You see, when you were a little girl you had this ability that mostly affected your love and career for acting. and we are trying to examine and hopefully change you." He explained walking around the box glass in circle. 

"What do you mean? did you know that I had this problem?" I asked him as he walked towards the glass slowly with his hands behind his back. "Yes." He said after hesitating to answer for a long amount of time. 

"You-" I said trying to once again let all my anger out and break down the door with my fists and my foot.  He jumped back frightened once again. 

"Now, listen, I hope you won't be a dumb little girl now will ya?" He asked me walking a step forward as I stopped. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

He raised his phone up to the glass for me to see. I couldn't believe my eyes. I couldn't believe the horror I was seeing on his phone screen. 

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