Part 3

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  I wake up in my room, like every day. It's the weekend, I think. I look at the clock. 11:00. I smile a satisfied little smile. Then, I get up, stretch, and nearly black out with dizziness. I smile as I stumble into the bathroom. Then I walk out when I'm done and sit back down on the bed. I roll my shoulders. They're sore from yesterday, because yesterday I had jumped on our trampoline out back all day. I roll them again. They feel... interesting. I roll them again. I go to the full mirror and inspect the front of my shoulders closely. They look normal to me. I turn around. This is where it gets interesting. I see something glossy and ribbon-like peeking out from under my shirt. Terrified but excited, I pull off my shirt and turn around. Big, flowing wings stick out of my back. Excitedly, I try to figure out which muscle moves them. I try rolling my shoulders again. That doesn't work, but when I tense my back, the wings flutter excitedly. I lift off the ground and fall to the floor. Terrified that one of my parents will come up, wondering what that was, I pull my pajama shirt back on.   

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