(chapter 3 )

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Miracle pov

So i made it to the club at 6:00 on the dot, i already changed at home so i went back stage to be greeted by grace one of my close co-workers,(she will be mentioned more soon😊) "hey miracle" grace said giving me a fake smile ,"hey i said giving her one back,before i can say something else they called my name on the stage i did my dances on the pole i practiced the night before. After I was done i went back home soon as I walked in the door i got a message from armon

Armoney:Can we talk ?... i read the message and signed ,me :" sure... " after that went to take a quick shower and put on a big shirt with some shorts , moments later i hear a knock on my door so I went to the door and opened it and it was armon ,so I let him and ,so what do you want to talk about? I asked "um im not trying to be in your business or anything but you shouldn't be doing what you are doing.what are you talking about?I asked but in my head i was hoping he didn't bring up the stripping job because im never gonna quit,i hope. Im taking about you showing off your body parts to a bunch of drunk pervert men he said, "well that's how I make my money so mind your business and if i recall you shouldn't be worrying about how i make my money worry about your damn self, are but all im saying is i refuse to hang out with anyone who doesn't respect their self nor body he said

in a disgusted tone making me slap the fuck out of him,  he looked at me with sorrow and walked out slamming the door behind him , I signed in frustration and went upstairs to take a nap.

4 hours later I decided to get up and take a shower, after I got out i put on my clothes and called kori to see if she wanted to hang out today because today was my day off.   

I headed to my car to meet up with kori at the nail solan cause i really need a feel in  I pulled up to the nail solan to see kori on the phone with someone ,by the look on her face she was really upset with the person she talking to on the phone, as soon as she saw me she hung up the phone , what happened i asked "nothing important she said I noded my head not believing her we walked in the nail salon while I was on Instagram and the lady doing my nails a man walked in and started talking to one of the workers i couldn't see his face because the big head lady in front of me so i focused back on my phone only to hear my name being called.

"Miracle , I looked  up and saw it was armon I looked at him and rolled my eyes "man dont be like that he said be like what? I said with a attitude

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