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The Uninvited Guest

By John Porter

Deep beneath the waters of a murky Louisiana swamp the first meeting of the Legion of Doom commences. In attendance are thirteen of the worst super villains that have threatened the Earth and the Universe. Alone each one is a deadly threat but together their combined evil and power poses a threat that not even the Justice League may be equipped to handle. This gathering was organized and facilitated by none other than their de facto leader Lex Luthor and the guests list was by invitation only. One by one the villains enter the hall. The villains found assigned seats surrounding a large podium. Black Manta, Cheetah, Brainiac, Grodd, Captain Cold, Solomon Grundy, Toy Man, Sinestro, the Riddler, Giganta, Bizzaro and the Scarecrow. Some of the villains have collaborated in the past and some hold rancor for one another and some are just annoyed.

With their host conspicuously absent some of the villains begin to bicker back and forth where others began to speculate as to the nature of such a gathering. Finally, Lex Luthor took the podium to call the meting to order. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming. You are probably wondering why I've summoned you here." Before Lex could say another word Sinestro blasted the podium with yellow energy "No one Summons, me!" he snarled. Luthor staring at the singed mark on the podium then glaring back at Sinestro. "Are you quite finished? After what you pulled with the ring you gave me count yourself lucky I allowed you to be here.

"Allowed?! How dare you! Just get to the point already." Luthor can sense the impatience of his guests as they all began to protest his summons. "Enough!" Luthor slams a gavel on the podium "I will get to the point. We have all suffered defeat at the hands of our adversaries so I propose a partnership, a Legion of Doom if you will, a force to challenge the combined might of the Justice league. Individually our schemes may be thwarted, efforts undone, but together we can and will accomplish greatness!" This got the Legions attention. They have all suffered defeat at the hands of their respective arch foes. To be time and time again brought low by Superman, the flash, Wonder Woman and the rest of the league. Each villain in his or her own way relished the thought of having the heroes and the universe in the palms of their hands.

Luthor continued "I have asked each of you here to form this cabal so that we can finally take the fight to our enemies. Today we embark on a new day, Today...." HAHAHAHAHAH desperate manic laughter could be heard coming from the hall; one of the guards Luthor had posted comes staggering towards the assembled villains and collapses dead onto the floor. The Riddler and Scarecrow share a worried look. "Hellooooo in there." a sinister voice called from the doorway. The Riddler put is face in his hands "Not him!" Two figures entered the room. "Oh Lexxy it seems my invitation was lost in the mail." The Joker and Harley Quinn enter the room. "I see Riddler and Scarecrow received theirs, and Grundy, Bizzaro? They can't even read....unless written backwards...HAHAHAHHAH but me, the Joker! Where's my set at the table?" Lex looking unamused "You, Clown! Surely you're not serious." "Oh I'm deadly serious Lex and don't call me Shirley!"

"Riddle me this!" The Riddler stood up "What can be any thing, at any time and no one but the user wants on the table?" Quizzically the Joker looks back at the Riddler "A wild card?" He said sardonically "Honestly Nygma you're loosing your touch." Lex stood up "He's right clown, the Joker is too wild plus you can't even handle a nut job is Bat suit! What can you possibly bring to the table?" The Joker tips his hat and spins his cane theatrically around his wrist "How bout song....Harley!" Harley Quin pushes a button on her oversized mallet and an old timey tune suitable for an old vaudevillian soft shoe began to play and the Joker broke into song.

"iffff yooou want someone dead keep your cool and use your head. The key to making someone sick is to find what makes em tick. If they fly don't ask why simply knock them from the sky. Use your brain no need to strain as your foes will play your gaaaame. If they're strong exploit the weak and if they're smart stay off the street make em come to face to face while your goons invade their spaaaaace.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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