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Is love just another way to bleed??

For my wounds, just wouldn't heal..

I tried to stay, I tried to run,

But there was no aid i could give to my aching heart,

And I am no where at Peace.

When did i really hand over everything that I had?

When did i fall in love, so bad?

Is Love really just another way to bleed??

For that deep wounds in my heart, just wouldn't heal.


Four Days Later

Colombo, Sri Lanka - 9 PM

Arnav sat in the balcony of his room,and sipped his coffe,as he looked out into the skyline,and he took a deep breathe.Tomorrow,he would be returning home, returning back to the mess, he had run from.

Somewhere deep down in his heart he knew, that he had just let his mind win ,and that had led him to run away from it all again.He wasn't proud of it, but it was his defence mechanism,everyone had their own way of dealing with things, and his was this.Shutting himself away from it all.

His work here was done, and he had succeeded ofcourse, somehow, he was able to concentrate and give it all that he could in getting this problem solved,and he was glad that he had.Although in the condition that he had left, he was really doubting whether he would be able to get any work done at all, but then ofcourse, his work flew to him naturally.

Unlike all these emotions and feelings.

Until Khushi had walked into his life and turned it upside down, he had had,no first hand experience with these emotions of the heart.Ofcourse, he had no experience when it came to Love, because Khushi was the first one he had fallen in love with,and with the things that had happened, the emotions, the turmoil,the pain, the gut wrenching feelings that wrenched his heart were too much to deal with.It really was to much to digest in so little time.

He sighed,and he took a deep breathe,four days out by himself, had given him time to realise a few things.

Even though he was feeling broken when he had left, he had realised that even with every broken piece of his heart, he could only think of Khushi.After it all, she was still inside of him, so damm deep.

Yes,Zoya and Asad were now married,as much as he hated te fact that his sister had done this to him, what could he really do now?? None of that changed the fact that this was Zoya, his little Zoya.

Love did things to you, for sure,it had blinded her as well,and could he really blame her for falling in Love??He was sure, she had no control over it,he was mad, really mad at her still,but maybe with time, he could comes to term to it,he was willing to try.She was his family,no matter what, he really couldn't close his heart out to her.

Asad Ahemed Khan had fallen in love with his baby sister.Ironic,wasnt it?? Hadn't he fallen in love with his sister too??For a second, if he put everything that had happened in the past aside,he knew Asad was a good one,infact he was the one who had teased Asad in the good old days, that he was too conservative at the matters of relationships,even though girls would literally throw themselves at him, he would always keep his distance.And even though a lot had changed, Asad was still that same man when it came to the matters of the heart,and he had fallen in love with Zoya,and now that he had time to think of it, what Asad did, barging into his house like that,required a lot of conviction in his love.As much as he hated to admit the fact, deep down he had realised that Zoya was lucky to have Asad love her.

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