Baldi x Zilch

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Zilch was walking down the hall to lunch with Playtime. She and Zilch were best friend. As she was talking and walking, she bumped face first into a wall. That's just what she dose, it's like her trademark. Since she only has one eye, she can't see very well. 

"Ow!" she said, holding her swollen nose. 

"Are you ok?" asked playtime, helping her up.

Zilch shook her head.

"No, it's never hurt this bad before. I think i need to go to the nurse."

"There is no nurse. We have to go to Baldi."

Zilch blushed. She has had a crush on Baldi for a while now. He's really nice too her. In fact, he's nice to all his students. Except Player. He's hates Player, and it clear as crystal to everyone. 

"Zilch. Zilch! Your nose is bleeding all over the floor! Gotta Sweep is gonna kill us, come on!"

Zilch wakes up from her daydream's and quickly slings her arm over Playtime's shoulder. They walk as fast as they can to Baldi's office, trying there best to avoid the Principal of The Thing or anybody else on their way. Once they got there, Playtime gently knocks on the door. There were some footsteps, and then the door opened. There he was in all his glory, Baldi. Once he saw it was them, he smiled. His look of concern came just as quick as his smile. He kneeled down onto the hard hallway floor, and removed Zilch's hand from over her nose slowly. He gasped. Her nose was so crooked. It was definitely broken. He picked her up bridal style, walking into his office and sitting her down on a chair. Playtime was looking at her with worry.

"Thank you, Playtime. You may go back to class." said Baldi. Playtime nodded and ran of. Baldi stood up and went to close the door. Then you realize, you and Baldi are going to be in a room alone, When he came back, all of his much wanted attention was now on you. He got a tissue and went to clean off the blood. He started down by her nostrils, gently dabbing off the flowing blood under her broken nose. one he cleaned it all off, he stuffed some tissue in each nostril gently, making sure not to hurt her. Once that was done, he looked up to the bridge of Zilch's nose. It was completely crooked. It was bent in a k shape, but without the line.  

(like that)

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(like that)

It was red and swollen. He knew what he need to do, but it was going to hurt. A lot. By the concerned look on his face, she knew something was going to go down.

"Ok. Zilch, don't be startled. But i'm afraid that i'm going to have to reset your nose."

 Zilch started to cry, she knew that this was going to be painful. It hurt alot already when she scrunched up her face to cry. Baldi started to comfort her. 

"It's ok, i promise it won't hurt a bit. You can hold onto me when i do it, ok? How dose that sound?"

It did sound nice to be able to hold onto Baldi for a long period of time. Zilch nod's, and hesitantly puts her arms on his shoulders, scrunching the fabric of his grassy green long sleeve shirt in her hands. Baldi blushes a little, but shakes it off. He puts his fingers softly on the purple, swollen bridge of Zilch's nose.

"Are you ready?" Baldi asks.

Zilch looks at Baldi's two black eyes with her maroon one, before closing it tightly. 


Baldi situates his fingers once more and looks at her face. It was so pretty. He sigh's. He didn't want to do this to you, but he had to.

"On the count of three i'm going to reset your nose, ok?"



Immediately after he said three, he pushed Zilch's nose back into place. Zilch screamed as loud as she could, tightening her grip on Baldi's shoulders. It felt like she was crushing his shoulders into shards of bone, but he held it in. Zilch was in a lot more pain than he was. After 10 minutes of pain and crying, Zilch finally felt better. Baldi had put a band-aid on her nose, not that it would help much. 

"Thank you Baldi." 

"Your welcome, Zilch."

Zilch looked at Baldi in the eyes and blushed. Then, she kissed him on his forehead. They both blushed and smiled.

"You missed." he said.  Baldi kissed Zilch on the lips. One hand on her cheek, the other on her waist. 

They stayed like that for who knows how long.   

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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