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Have you ever wondered how prodigies are made? Is it in their blood, their spirit, their mind? What makes them so special? How are they so special? I guess all of it really. Blood, spirit, body, mind. I have no doubt that what the parents have grown to love has some effect in their talent.

When a newborn has an amazing talent, we never wonder how. We only ever wonder how far they can push this talent. We never think deeply into the how factor. All we care about is the fame, fortune and ability.

I am talking about "how" so much, you are probably knee-deep in concern. "What is this woman thinking? Just tell us how!" Well, I will tell you this much, the how will be much more than you can handle. Much different than the fantasy you may be thinking. Much more tragic. At least in the true prodigies.

So, let's begin by entering a hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota where a baby girl was born. Enjoy this incredible story of a prodigy who wants to know the "how".

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