He's Looking For The Triad Necklace

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Requested by Liveforbands196

You was sitting, in the chair waiting, for Jared, to get ready but he seemed to be taking forever  "JARED WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG MY LOVE!!!!" You say walking, to the stair case "TRYING TO FIND SOMETHING  THAT I WANTED TO GIVE TO YOU TONIGHT!!!!!" Jared shouts from up the stairs. You could hear Jared looking, for something  from up there because he was making a lot of noise Jared then came down the stairs looking, all around the living room,  the kitchen, the down stairs, rooms and soon he looks, out in the car.

"Y/N  have you seen something called a triad necklace?" Jared asks but he walks, close to you and stops and notices you are wearing it "uh Y/N where did you get that traid necklace?" Jared  says with his eyes wide open you look at him with a  Confusion expression on your face. "Oh this necklace  I found it in our room on my dresser why?" You say as you give him a kiss on your cheek Jared looks at you straight in the eye "because that was the necklace I was supposed to surprise you with Y/N" Jared says with a said tone. You look at Jared with guilt  and sadness "I- I- I'm sorry Jared I didint know this was a gift I saw it on my dresser and wondered why a little black box was sitting there" you say with a sad tone. Jared looks at you with with a half smile "it's ok" Jared says giving you a kiss on the cheek. You both went to the car and went on your date night and had fun.

Sorry it took so long to write this I hope you enjoyed it every one even you Liveforbands196 and all of you can make requests at anytime remember I dont judge I'll write anything  :)

By the way thank you everyone who vote and comment  on this book it tells me you guys do like my books and that I should keep going thank you for the votes and comments.

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