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Kim's pov

"mummy!" I heard my princess shout into my ear. This is how my morning starts and I swear am becoming deaf by the day but I wouldnt want to start it any other way. I opened my eyes and looked at my baby girl. I sat up and hugged my little girl. "morning baby" I said while kissing her all over her face. "mummy" she giggled. "gwanma said breakfast" I can't believe it's been four years since I became a mother. "tell grandma am coming." I kissed her and put her down, she ran out of my room as I got ready for the day.

When I got downstairs, I saw the boys fighting over breakfast with Mary shouting for them to stop while my baby girl sat on John's lap and he was feeding her. She was grandpa's baby.
"Jake and Jamie Collins! What's with the fighting."I gave them a serious look. "oh hush let them be" Mary said. "but Mary they have to behave at the table. Look at Kayla,she's behaving at the table." I walked to the boys and put my head between them. "what did mummy say when at the table. "
"to beweve"they said together. "and what do you say to mummy when she is upset?" "sowi" they said together. I swear at times I feel like they are robots that are programmed to do things in three but mostly these two. "and what didn't you give mummy this morning mmmm" they both kissed my cheek. I got up and walked to Mary and hugged her from behind. "stop stoiling them grandma" I smiled at her. God I love this woman and over the years we became a family. Oh wait I didn't say I had triplets Kayla, Jake and Jamie Collins. Ya I gave them Josh's name. The day they were born Was The best day of my life and when I held them in my arms I knew I would do anything to keep them safe. And the day I saw their blue eyes, like their father. " Am late for work so I will see you guys" I kissed my babies and said bye to John and Mary.
When I got into my car just before I could start it, my phone rang. It was Sam.
"Hi sam"
"hey lil one" I rolled my eyes at that like he still calls me that. According to him am his Lil sister,  coming to think about it his the big brother I never had.
" Sam am an adult woman with three children."
"Mmmmm still my lil one. Anyway you remember the Chris Jones deal?"
"yes what about it? Alot of companies applied for that deal and huge companies at that-" before I could finish he spoke.
" honey! We got it! "
"OMG! Are you serious!"
"ya however, since we are new to the business we might need help with another company in the business and I have set a meeting with one I think will be best for us."
"do we really need the help? We can do this on our own."
"I know we can but with the help of this company and the Jones deal, we will be on the map. Think about it, you wanted to prove to yourself you can do better and you have. The help is just a guide. Just sign with them and once the project is done,baby, you have this."
"okay I will meet the CEO and we can talk terms then we good to go. I'm on my way." I cut the call.
I can do this. I'm powerful, beautiful, intelligent. I told myself it's something Mary and I came up with in college.

I was in my final year of college and things were getting hard. Just as I was about to study the triplets started crying. I walked to their colts and I tried to get them to sleep but nothing worked.... Tried to feed them but nothing and I didn't know who to carry.  I stood there watching my babies helplessly. A sob left my mouth"stop crying"i whispered to them but nothing. I felt so useless and helpless I just cried with my babies. I felt arms wrap around me and through my tears I saw Sam pick up Jake and Jamie while Jane got Kayla.
"Kim what's going on? You crying and so are the babies"mary said.
"I-im useless. I can't be there for my ba-babies aa-nd my husband left me cause I'm ugly and I can't get my school work done." I sobbed into Mary's chest.
"oh honey that's not true. C'mon look at me." she capped my face in her soft hands and I looked into her hazel eyes.
"I'm beautiful,intelligent,powerful. Always tell yourself that when you feel low. Your intelligent and can handle school, your ex,  the world. Beautiful inside out and anyone who can't see that is a fool. Powerful because your babies will look up to you and adore you because any woman who can raise babies on her own is powerful." I looked at her and then I hugged her. "go and do your schoolwork,we will look after the kids." when she saw that I was a bit hesitant she took my hand. "go we have this" I went to my room and studied. And that's how it started with everyone helping to care for the kids while I studied. Sam and Jane would come with their daughter.

It was finally my graduation day,i had gotten my degree. I looked at everyone around my table and saw how happy they looked and the joy of my babies playing with Janes girl. I knew just there that I would do anything to keep everyone happy and to prove I was a woman who wasn't afraid to fail but push herself till she got what she wanted.
Sam and I spent countless nights trying to draft a proposal of the company I wanted to open. When it was approved we worked hard and within a year things were falling in place.

End of flashback

I guess I can give this a try. I drove to the office and went straight to work when I heard a knock at the door. I told them to enter. I just wanted to finish a small correction on my report when I heard a voice speak.
"we all have things to do you know."
That voice.... It's been five years. It can't be. My head shot up and I saw the same blue eyes that made me weak when I looked into them.
"Josh "
Shit things just got better.


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