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2D looked over at Murdoc, who was, as you can tell, pissed again. You see...he didn't hate him as much as the smaller drunk guy hated him, he had a big part in his heart for Murdoc. He just wanted to be close to him and call him his...

Suddenly, his mind raced with ideas. As one specific one popped up, he approached Murdoc shyly. "M-M-Mudz?"

The drunk groaned "What do you want, faceache??'' 2D blushed a little. That nickname was so nasty, but he loved it. " T-take a bath with me"

Murdoc frowned in confusion "You what??" He slurred his words because of how much he had drank. "I said...take a bath with me......"

2D was blushing deeply. He knew it was a little upfront, but him and the drunk always flirted like this..well.....sometimes.

Murdoc slurred a slight "sure" and got up, almost knocking the taller boy over. "Get up..."

2D gulped. Was this such a good idea? Well...its now or never.

He got into the bathroom with Murdoc and locked the door, looking at the smaller man blushing. "What you looking at, dullard?"

Murdoc raised an eyebrow, he had started to sober up a little, but he shrugged the strange staring off and took off his sweater.

2D was still watching, but he immediately stopped in fear that he'd get hit again. He got undressed, as did Murdoc.

The water had already been running, so they stepped in, Murdoc smirking, and Stu still blushing as red as ever.

"So..what's the reason for this eh? You can't resist me can you, faceache?" 2D instantly looked away. He noticed he had been staring the whole time so he just looked down. "I--"

Before he could answer, Murdoc kissed him. It wasn't soft..but it wasn't too forced either. It was rough, but it was passionate too. 2D obviously kissed back, he had been waiting for this for years...

Murdoc smirked and pulled away, immediately kissing and licking at 2D's neck, occasionally giving him hickeys. A small moan was heard every time Murdoc got that little bit rougher, which made the now sober man crazy with lust.

But, he wasn't done. He kept seeing empty spots on the bluenettes neck that were empty, which he did not approve of. By the time he had finished, hickeys were littered all over 2D's neck and collarbones, showing that Murdoc had just proved him as his own.

Murdoc's hands travelled down, down, down. 2D instantly felt a little pressure on his lower area, which made him whimper softly. "Sh...did I say you could do that?" Murdoc questioned, with a slight degrading tone. 2D shook his head. "Well then, I'll just have to stop that from happening" Murdoc put his hand over 2D's mouth, with his other hand stroking the bluenette's length.

As he got quicker and quicker with his touches, it became harder and harder for 2D to control himself. His hips were slightly more in the air, but Murdoc held them down. "No, don't move"

As Murdoc kept touching 2D, the taller man's stomach tensed slightly, signalling he was going to come. Quick, too. But, Murdoc,being the tease he was, stopped touching him. He whispered in his ear "Bad boys don't get rewards"

Getting out of the tub, he dried himself off and got changed, leaving the room while 2D just sat, whimpering.

Kiria_Aburame thanks for this idea!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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