Satin Virus(SV)- Part 3

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Part III

Kirk was leaning against the wall as he answered the question to the crying reunited couple "Elijah is great, he is celebrating his second birthday tomorrow and Jairo is having the whole Nacogdoches colony celebrate it."

Still covered in tears and holding her lover, Jezreel revealed a small smile as she said to him "Our boy is going to be two, he's growing so fast."

Carlos had released Jezreel and walked over to her desk where he sat and stared at the ground as he said to himself "My son is now two...I cant believe it... until today I didn't even know he was alive...," after a moment of silence he jumped up and asked Jezreel "What about Syphira and Nephenne? Where are they? Are they still alive? Are they okay?"

Jezreel walked up to him, held him close, and as she laid her ear on his chest to hear his beautiful heart beat she said to him "They are fine honey, they are in the day care center right now."

"Really?" Carlos was so happy to hear of the survival and safety of his daughters "How old are they? Can they speak yet? What are they like? Please tell me everything."

As the two lovers spoke Kirk called Julie over and whispered to her "Hey, make sure they stay here, I'm gonna go find some of his other friends in the colony and he can meet them to."

Amazed that so many of the people from Texas survived she asked him "How did all you guys survive, wasn't Texas hit the hardest outta all the states?"

Kirk slightly chuckled and said "That guy right there," he pointed over to Carlos "He went against his commanding officers to get the information out about SV out and to Nacogdoches. It ensured most of East Texas' survival, so he's a hero, weather he looks like it or not."

Julie did as she was instructed and she stayed making sure the couple did not leave the room, Kirk had searched the entire colony for anyone who might be connected to him in any way. He found five people. He returned about an hour later and the two lovers were still talking, when he walked through the door he said "Hey Carlos I know it may not be the best time but I thought a reunion like this called for a few more visitors."

Carlos looked at him curiously, "What do you mean Kirk?"

He turned his head to look outside the door and said "Come on in guys," a group of four men and one woman walked into the door.

One man stood about six feet; he was really built up with muscle his name was Michael Souza. "What's going on brother?"

The one beside him was a scrawny Hispanic standing at about 5'9", Alfredo Villiera. "Hey Carlos, what sup?"

The next was also Hispanic, by the looks of him he was a Navy man, and he stood 5'8" and had an athletic body, Josue Gonzales. "Hello Carlos, nice to see you again."

The last male was slightly chubby but well built, he was a Caucasian and he also was about 5'8", his name was Quinn Briggs. "Hey brother how you been?"

Finally, the last one left was the female, she was short about 5'3" she was also Hispanic and a little chubby, her name is Monick Gonzales. "Hi Carlos."

The entire group stood in a line against the room wall, Carlos was thrilled to see them all alive and well, he began to speak with them about their life and how they ended up in New York. Most of them ended up there the same way, on a migration for the dangerous parts if the U.S. but out of mistake of direction they ended up in Syracuse. Souza and Quinn were the one protecting and guiding the group while the others were providing medical attention and food.

Day One Thousand-One: September 11th, 2015: Syracuse, NY: Time-20:56

Finally after all this time, things are starting to look up, I have found my love Jezreel and I have learned of my families survival

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