The move

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Flomp I load the last box into the moving truck. With a slam, the door is closed and the truck pulls out of our laneway. I turn around, giving my child hood home a last look. I'm really going to miss this place.

I hear footsteps on the ground and see my Dad walk up to me by the corner of my eye. He stops beside me and puts his arm around my shoulders. "How are you feeling, honey?" He asks me.

"Well," I say and then sigh. "I'm going to miss this place, but it's for a good reason." I look down and focus on an ant crawling on the gravel.

"It'll be okay. We're going to have a better life down there." Dad gives me a light kiss on the forehead and pats me on the back. "Are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah, just give me a few minutes. I want to look in the house one last time." I say as I look at him.

"Okay, Honey. But don't take too long. We got to leave before the traffic gets too bad."

"I'll be fast," I say with a smile and head for the front door.

As I walk into the house, memories fill my mind. Every room brings more, the good and the bad. All of which made me who I am. I'm going to miss this house, that's a fact, but this move is a good thing. And it's all going to work out in the end. I'm going to miss my friends here but I'll be able to make new ones when I move.

I walk out of the house and up to the car, where I get into the back seat and sit with my new puppy, Luna. I buckle my seat and Dad starts up the car. "Are you ready now?" He says looking in the rearview mirror.

I look out our window to the house, let out a sigh but then smile and say, "Yeah, let's go to our new home."

My Dad smiles hearing my words and then sets off down the road.


I wake up to my Dad nudging me on the shoulder. I blink a few times, letting my eyes adjust to the change in light. "We're at the airport honey, we need to get on to the plane."

"Okay," I stretch a little and then take Luna out of the car and grab her carrier. Dad hands the keys to a man and he gets into the car and drives off.

I give Dad a look and he says "He's just taking the car to the other plane. It's okay." I nod my head and start walking.

Once we get into the airport, we go straight and up a set of stairs. With a few turns, we're at our station and sit while we wait for the plane to be ready.

A lady with brown hair comes up to us and smiles. "Are you planning on taking your puppy onto the plane?" She says to me as she points to the dog.

"Yes, we are."

"Okay, that's fine. I'll need to take her. Animals are not aloud to be on the front of the plane. I assure you that she will be safe, though. She will board in the back where all the other animals are placed."

"Okay, that's fine." I say to the lady. I look down at Luna who is sitting on my lap and say "It's okay Luna, the lady will make sure you're safe. I'll see you after we land. I love you." Luna looks up at me and licks my face. I smile at her, give her a hug and a kiss and then put her into her carrier. I hand her to the lady and she takes her.

"Have a nice flight," with a last smile, the lady walks away.

Ding, Ding, Ding "Airline 1242 is now boarding"

Dad and I get out of our seat and walk to the teller at our station. We hand the young man our plane tickets and walk through the doors to board the plane.

Seat 12, 13 Dad gives me the window seat, knowing I like it better. I sit down and turn my phone onto airplane mode.

"Can all passengers turn their phones onto airplane mode."

After a few minutes, the plane sets off and is in the sky. I sit back and put my headphones in, listening to my music. I turn my head to the side, looking out the window. The higher we get into the sky, the more beautiful it looks. Especially now that the sun is setting.

As the sky gets darker, my eyes feel heavier and I soon drift into a sleep.


I wake up to the plane landing. Dad is still asleep next to me and I nudge him, trying to wake him up.
"Dad. Dad? Wake up." He moves a little and opens his eyes a crack. "The plane's about to land, you have to get up. "

"Yeah. Okay." Dad yawns and asks in a tired voice, "What time is it?"

"Around 6:45."

"Okay." He yawns again but starts straightening his outfit.

I turn and look out the window. Hopefully this move will help out. As long as no one knows about what happened...


Dad turns onto the driveway to our new home and it looks really pretty. He thought it best if it were a surprise, probably in hope to make me excited. But I am. It's gorgeous!!!
I open the car door and Luna jumps off my lap and runs toward the front steps.

The house looks like a mini mansion. It has pillars in the front, held by the front steps and the balcony above. There's a pillar-like-shape on the side-kind of what castles have-but it has windows that curve around on both levels. It has a beautiful garden outlining the front and a huge yard. In the back, there's a patio and a path way leading to a beach in behind.

On the inside, you walk in to see the living room stretched across the left side, on the right is a study where there's a cushioned bench by a curved window and a spiral staircase across from the door. Behind the staircase on the left is the dining room and on the right is the kitchen. Up the stairs is my bedroom on the right and a washroom beside it, on the left is Dads with a few guest bedroom. And when you walk around the staircase, you see floor to ceiling windows and a glass screen door that opens up onto the top balcony.

I enter my brand new room and oh, my word! It's absolutely stunning! Dad must have had an interior designer come in!!!
Directly across from the doorway is a four post bed with light blue-grey bedding. Beside it on the wall is a window seat, like what I saw downstairs and outside. To the right of the door is a beautiful glass desk and black chair. And to the left is a walk in closet-which when I walk in, it's huge. It's painted with light greys and blues, the outfits colour coordinated and put in sections of the style(fancy, casual, dresses, accessories, etc.) And on the ground is an extremely soft carpet that I can't wait to dig my toes into!!

Yeah, I gotta say, maybe this move wont be so bad!

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