A New School

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So far the move has been great! I started to draw and realized that I have a hidden talent! I've always loved how people could create such beauty and never thought I could. But I guess you never know until you try.

School begins in a week. I'm a little nervous if I'm going to be honest but I know I'll be fine! I've gotten my outfit picked out, I have all the supplies I need and my courses came in the mail yesterday!!
P1:English, P2:Math, Lunch, P3:Art and P4:Drama.
The teachers are said to be really nice, which I hope is true.

Luna jumps up onto my bed and snuggles into my lap. I scratch the back of her ears and she lets out a puppy purr. Such a cutie!!

I pull out my phone and take a photo of her on my lap. Hmm.. I think I might create an Instagram account.
"Oh my gosh! How do you not have one yet!? That's the total new!"
I know, I know. Crazy. I just never saw a point in it. But I guess if I want to make friends here, I really should..


..a few swipes more anndd done! I take a step back and look in the mirror. Looking good!

I grab my bag and head down the stairs. "Hey, Dad!" I walk into the kitchen and grab a muffin, "I'm heading out now!"

He gives me a smile and says, "Good luck honey. Have fun and be good. "

"I will," I smile. "I love you." I bid my goodbye and walk outside, heading to my car. I get in, turn my music on and pull out of the laneway.


I cruise through the parking lot, look for an empty space and park. To my surprise, my car is one of the nicest here. Who knew!?

I jog up to the front and to my first class. Almost everyone is here and they all look at me. I give them a dismissive smile and take a seat in the second last row.

There's no one sitting to the right of me but on the left is a seriously pretty girl. She's got long red hair and beautiful grey eyes. I think she saw me looking because she turns to me. "Hey," she says with a smile.

"Hi, I'm Corah." I introduce my self, returning the smile.

"Nice to meet you, Corah. I'm Raine, with an 'e'. "

"You have a pretty name," I say.

"Thanks! So do you," she looks at her phone for a second and then asks, "Are you new here?"

I tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear, something I do when I get nervous. "Is it that obvious?" I say with a chuckle.

"No, not really. I just haven't seen you before." She looks me over. "Hey, why don't you sit with me at lunch! I can introduce you to my friends."

Is she kidding?? Oh my god!! Calm, Corah. She just asked you to sit with her at lunch! It's not like she gave you a million dollars!!

So instead of giving that big reaction, I smile and say, "I'd like that, thank you!"

She nods her head and smiles. "No problem Girly!"

Ding Ding Ding
The bell rings and the teacher introduces himself, getting started with class.


My first two classes went by pretty fast and here I am, waiting in the lunch line.
I get a text. Unknown Number.
"Hey, it's Raine. Head over to the centre table once you have your food. "

Before replying, I add her as a contact. "Okay, be there shortly."

Once I have my food, I walk over to the middle of the cafeteria. I find Raine and see her other friends.
Okay, so not only is she pretty, but her friends too!? This is so not fair!
"Corah! Glad you could make it. Come, sit here!" She points to the seat across from her and I take it.

Half an hour later, Raine has introduced me to her table group and we're all laughing.
"Wait, so you tell me you did what!?"

"I walked right up to them, pulled that girls pony and told her to back off or else and she just stared at me!" Vikky, short for Victoria, explained again.
"I guess that's what I get for being the older one." She rolls her eyes and we all laugh again.

"Soo, Corah! Do you have any family??" Ocean asks once the laughter dies down a bit.

Should I tell them? No! You just met them! And wasn't this move meant to get away from all that?? Yeah, you're right. I guess I wont.

"It's just me and my Dad. And my pupper, Luna," I say smiling.

"You have a dog! What kind!?" Chelby asks all bubbly and giddy.

"A husky," I proudly state!

"Oh, my gosh!" She giggles. "I need to come to your house!"

We all laugh at that. I'm having a great time! I really thought I wouldn't make any friends, but here I am!!


The day went by so fast. I enjoyed it all, I've made plenty of friends and gotten alot of their socials!! Look at me go!

I'm exhausted.. Having brushed my teeth, done my homework and gotten into my pjs, I lay down and drift into a deep slumber...

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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