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Park Jimin. The schools most popular, talented, athletic and loved student there was. And the person he couldn't be more attached to? You.

"I swear Jimin. If you don't keep your hands away from me, you won't be getting any barbecue chips from me."

The black haired boy gave you a grin, placing his head on his palms as his elbows rested comfortably above the surface of your desk.

"That's alright with me. I don't need those chips anyways."

You gave him the usual eyeroll before going back to your book. "How long in detention this time?" You questioned, wanting to know how long you'll have to wait for him before the two of you could hang out at your usual place.

"Until five."

You tear your gaze away from the book, instantly sending the male a deadly glare. He could only chuckle when catching eyes with you.

"You didn't just punch someone, did you?" You asked, raising a brow towards the boy.

"Now why would I just punch one person when there's so many people out there that needs a beating?" You then slammed your book on the table, standing upright after, still facing the boy.

"You always give me so much trouble to deal with. Do you know that?" He knew you were angry. But despite that, his grin doesn't weaver.

It widens even more, his eyes slowly disappearing as it turns into a perfect crescent, That smile of his able to lit up a once pitched, dark, abandoned room with its shimmering hues.
But that's not the point.

Stuffing your book harshly inside your backpack, you then speak out through gritted teeth, annoyance clearly lacing your voice as you swing your back-pack behind you.

"I'm not waiting to drive you home this time."

Hearing your words caused his chin to slip the comfortable bed of his palms, eyes instantly shooting open as he struggles to get himself up the ground.

"No Y/n! Don't be like this! I'm sorry... I swear I won't do it again!"

The male stubbornly grabs onto your hands, tightening his grip around them as they stop you completely from taking another step. Huffing a strand away from your face you turned to face him as your other hand gripped his.

"Jimin get off me!" You couldn't be believe how him of all people was so clingy. "Y/n please, just this once.  Wait for me, I'll treat you to strawberry ice cream! I promise." You watched him loosen his grip and you sighed deeply. "You promise? I'll be waiting in the classroom after school then." 

Jimin's smile lifted as he nodded, "Alright, five sharp! I'll be fast!"


"There they go again." The male sighed, watching the quarrel between the two of you. "What do you mean?" Another voice perked up, eyes lifting to watch those of Jimin and you.

"Oh, you see that girl? That's Y/n L/n. And apparently she's the only girl that's able to get that close to him. If anyone else were to, he's nothing but cold-hearted and rude."

"Mhmm... The girls name was Y/n, huh?" The mans hands trace the outline of his jawline, a smirk rising upon his lips.

"Oh dude, don't even think about it! Last time a guy got close to Y/n, Jimin beat the shit out of him." The boy stated in warning, returning to watch the two.

"Seriously? Damn, and I thought this was my chance." A sharp chuckle left the other boys lips.


"How did I end up helping you clean the dishes?" You mumbled, scrubbing roughly against the school cafeterias tray.

Jimin grinned proudly, arms wrapped tightly around your waist, as you rinse away those excess foam.

"And why are you touching me!? Get off, I didn't give you permission to touch me!" You smacked his hands, telling him to let you go. And plus, why were you doing his chore!? You were only here to help, not to do them all!

Jimin lips form into a pout as his side gets harshly jabbed by your elbow.

"Y/n, you're being so rude!"

"Just do your chores." You spat through gritted teeth, handing him the scrub to the trays. He then pouts, wanting to purse forwards even more. Just to annoy the hell out of you.

"Only if you say please," He smiles, watching your face morph into oneof a defeated person.

"I swear! I will if you just wash the dishes, please!"

The pout that once decorated his pink lips quickly changes itself into a wide smile as he immediately sprints his way towards your side, instantly acting fast on washing his portion of dishes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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