The Damage Is Done

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Denise p.o.v.

"You're Pregnant?" Jacob questioned.

"Yeah" Melody nodded still on the ground.

"Are you sure it's my baby?" he question.

"Did you fuck me?" Melody caught an attitude.

"Melody it was a simple yes or no question"  i said.

"Yes" she barked.

"Sweetheart please watch who you talking to Cause Ill still whoop dat ass" I said.

"Alright i'm sorry" Melody said.

"How far along are you?" I asked her.

"who me?" she questioned.

"Naw Jacob" I straight faced her being sarcastic.

"Yes you" I said.

"2 weeks" she said.

"Wow really?" I grew angry.

"Melody you always do this to me every guy I fall for you always take him away from me and traps him why do you do that to me" I said.

"Denise I'm sorry" she said.

"Melody don't even" I shook my head glancing at Jacob before walking off.

"Denise please" he grabbed my arm.

I pulled my arms away from him.

Not even wanting to deal with him or what him in my presence.

Finally pulling my arm away now trying to run but he grabbed my waist.

"Denise please wait"  Jacob held onto my waist tight.

"Leave me alone" I said.

"Denise stop" he said picking me up by my legs so his head was on my stomach.

"Stop"he said and he dropped me catching me again with his arms now over my ass.

"Jacob put me down I'm done with you I ain't fuckin wit you no more" I said.

"Denise you don't mean that" he replied.

"I'm serious Jake" I said.

"Now put me down"  I smacked him hard as hell.

But he took them & just held me closer.

"I don't want to lose you"  he said.

"Its to fuckin late for that shit" I said smacking him again repeatedly.

He dropped me down.

And he grabbed my hand.

"Baby I'm sorry.."  he started to apologize.

"Don't come at me like that Jacob that's nothing to me"  I said.

"You still fucked her knowing that she bully's me"  I said.

"And now that I grew some guts to fight back you wanna fuck her and her at that the biggest hoe at this school you couldn't have fucked a regular basic ass bitch I'd rather have you fuck someone else than to make me look stupid cause all that time you didn't tell me you should be just told me toy fucked tgat hoe" I said.

"I'm not a hoe" Melody commented.

" I already want to beat yo ass so please get away from me why are you still here? You are dismissed get the hell out my face " I said turning to her.

"Melody wipe ya damn tears cause I know you don't give a fuck about me and my feelings towards him You just know you fucked my man and now your pregnant you think I don't know what your doing you're usig everyone that I love just to hurt me your trying to tear me apart " I wiping away a tear that tired to fall.

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