hola soy gay

8 1 2

Uh I meant-


I promise I'm not very gay for her.

Hyebin wasn't the point of this post but I love her so...

Anyways.  I have a few drafts atm so like bare with me while I figure my shit out.

I really wanna do a dark concept book but it's hard for me bcs I'm lame. Like hella lame.

In my English class we're gonna be writing our own stories. Last time we did this I basically wrote an MCR fanfiction. I hate myse-

Anyway if all goes well I might upload it here. It won't be a fan fiction like it'll be original characters and all that gucci stuff. I have an idea but it might be a while till it gets here as I don't have language classes a lot. I have literature three times a week but language is only two times.

But yeah coming soon m'dudes.

Oh it ain't over yet


im sorry.

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