a life with Simple plan

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So this is just something that i wrote, i dont know if im going to make a full story out of it or  not. I was thinking of making a Simple Plan fanfic but i dont know if this is going to be related or not. let me know what you think. Should i make a Simple Plan fanfic? If so should I include this part or base the story off of this? Hope to hear from you guys!!



This was our time; we walked up through the maze of tour buses with Pierre in the lead, passing other bands as we went; they shouted words of encouragement and luck. We neared closer to the stage stairs, a spring in my step. I always got so hyped to play a show. Pierre stopped right before the stairs leading up to the stage and turned back to us. We all knew what to do, we do it every show. We all formed a tight circle, arms on each other’s backs and leaned forward, in a football huddle. I could feel the hands of Pierre and Sébastien resting gently on my back as we formed the huddle. I responded by placing one of my arms over each of their shoulders. This was easier since we were all lent forward. 

“Any last words before we go out there” David said as we all looked at each other.

No one said anything. We all silently agreed that we were ready to go. We all wished each other good luck and with one group hug we broke from our huddle.

We started to walk on stage, David was first to go on, I could hear the screams of fans get louder as soon as he emerged. As I started to walk up the short uneven stairs I started to feel butterflies. I’ve played a hundred shows but that never takes away the excitement and the nervousness of going up on that stage for the first time with a completely different crowd. Especially when you’re in your home town. I reached the smooth uneven floor of the temporary stage that had probably only been put up this morning; but the way the floor had been warped and worn down, it looked like it had been performed on a thousand times.  I reached where my guitar was waiting for me in its stand, passing Chuck’s drum set and some of our Canadian red and white amps; Waving at the crowd as I jogged over. Picking up the smooth neck of the cherry red fender and catching the strap as it dangled from the guitar, I slipped it over my head and rest it comfortably on my shoulder. The weight of the guitar felt amazing in my hands, it was perfectly balanced, and as I put my fingers on the rough strings running up the neck I got a rush of excitement.

 I walked over to my microphone that was positioned in-between Jeff and Pierre. I took the rough, gripped, black and white pick from the row of them attached to my microphone stand and readied myself for the first song.

The cheering from the crowd didn’t cease.  Sébastien started with the first few cords of ‘Shut up!’ and we all followed along. The energy was amazing the crowd was jumping and screaming. Pierre started singing his lines, with me, David, and Sébastien harmonising with him.

I could feel every note, every beat, every time Chuck hit the bass drum. By the time we played the next few songs the crowd was really getting into it, becoming more comfortable. As Jeff was setting up for the next song adjusting his guitar strap and making sure the foot pedal was on the right setting, Pierre, Sébastien, and David where talking to the crowd. I skipped back to the raised platform that Chuck and his immaculate set of drums where.

“Crazy crowd, Eh?” he yelled over the screams of the crowd in response to Pierre saying that they were the sexiest crowd he’d ever seen.

I smiled back at him “ya, I’ve already seen three people trying to crowd surf” he laughed in response, I grabbed one of the many water bottles that where on the edge of the raised drum platform. The dew on the sides of the bottle felt amazing against my hand; it was such a hot day.

I held one up as a, ‘do you want one?’ to Chuck but he responded by lifting the bottle beside him as a, ‘naw I’m good’. You tend to be able to learn how to communicate with people silently when you start to live on a bus with them for months on end. I smiled and nodded and walked back over to my microphone. Opening the cool bottle as I did. I took a few gulps from the bottle, a bead of water escaping from my mouth rolling down my neck, and down my shirt.

Pierre had stopped talking and was ready for the next song, I quickly turned to my microphone and said “water anyone?” and hurled my bottle in an arc into the crowd, splashing the crowd in the front as it was caught. A roar of screams from the fans. I looked over at Chuck who was now laughing at the huge splash the water made.

Jeff started the first cords of ‘Generation’ and I followed right behind with my smooth guitar riff. Then all the other guys followed behind me.

When we were about half way through our set I was really starting to feel the heat. I had gone through about eight water bottles (although some of them where given to the crowd) I could tell the guys were starting to feel it too. We were all sweating; my long straight black hair was starting to stick to the side of my face, and the red and black plaid shirt I was wearing before was now strewn over one of our red and white amps at the back of the stage.

I was now only in a black ‘Role model’ tank top that I stole from Sébastien so it was too big for me, and a pair of dark denim short shorts, with my black skeleton doc martins.

We were in-between songs again, and Pierre was keeping the crowd busy as me at the rest of the guys got ready for the next song, Changing guitars and getting water. I changed my guitar fast, from my cherry red Fender to one of my favorites. My white and black  Epiphone Wilshire Phant-o-matic.

I grabbed two waters and walked to my microphone, which Pierre was standing right next to. I handed him a water. He was talking to the crowd but he looked over and nodded as a thank you.

As he took a drink I turned to my microphone “how’s my favorite sexy crowd doing?” I was answered by a roar of screams. 

“I’ll take that as a pretty freaking great! You know you guys are just so sexy I might have to come down there too get a closer look” I turned to Pierre “I don’t know what do you thing Pierre?”

“I think that’s a great idea, I might just have to join you.” I pulled my guitar strap over my head and rest it on the floor in front of my microphone.

Me and Pierre jumped off the stage into the gap between the stage and the barricades, where the security walked back and forth. Pierre still had his microphone

“dam you’re right they are pretty sexy” I nodded in approval since I had no microphone, and the screams continued.

Me and Pierre stepped up on the barricade, I was in the middle and Pierre was a few feet away from me on my left. I felt the pull of the crowd as I stepped up, and all the sweaty hands on me, pulling and poking. The security held onto me from behind so I didn’t get pulled in. We moved along the front for a few minutes than pulled out selves away from the crowd. Security helped lift me up on the stage as I grabbed Sébastien’s out reached hand as he helped to pull me up.

I quickly got to my guitar after thanking Sébastien and slipped it over my head. We continued the rest of our set. As we neared the end of our last song everyone was singing along and jumping.  We finished and left the stage leaving our instruments in there stands at the back of the stage.

I caught up to Pierre as we were nearing the edge of the stage and jumped on his back, and he piggy backed me down the stairs. He smelled of sweat, but you get used to that once you have lived on a bus with five guys. As we all got to the bottom of the stairs behind the stage we could hear the shouts from the crowd “SIMPLE PLAN! SIMPLE PLAN! SIMPLE PLAN!”  I love that feeling finishing a show. The crowd wanted more, and we weren’t going to say no.

After a minute we all looked at each other without saying a word and nodded, and headed out to play a couple more songs.

Here we go again!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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