you and castiel fight

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trigger warning: castiel abuse (my friend is into some weird shit)

sam and dean were out on a hunt so you decided it would be best if you bought some food for when they came back to the bunker.

you set the bags of food down in the kitchen and walked towards your shared room with castiel.

as soon as you walked in the room, you noticed something was wrong with castiel immediately.  he was punching a pillow and pulling his hair out.

"castiel?  is something wrong?" you ask thoughtfully.

he quickly whirls around and begins screaming at you.  it seems meaningless at first, but you soon realize he was yelling at you for your poor job on the last hunting trip the four of you went on.

you had accidentally let a vengeful spirit out of your sight.  this caused many injuries distributed between sam, dean, you, and castiel.

he inches forward and shoves you into a bookshelf.  the contact caused books to come hurdling down. 

castiel looks at what he had done.  he looked truly shocked and horrified.

he runs out of the room before you could say anything about the situation. 

you quickly get up and decide to text the brothers that were currently working on a case in missouri. 

you: dean.. something happened between me and castiel.

a few minutes later dean texts back.

dean: hold on.  i'm going to call you.

he calls you and of course, you answer.

"hey, y/n."  dean puts you on speaker phone so he and sam can speak to you easier.

"hey, y/n, what's wrong?" sam asks kindly.

"c-cas-castiel.  he pushed me into a bookshelf."  you huffed.  "i-i don't know what i did wrong.  he was going on about the last case i failed."  tears were now welling in your eyes.  "i thought- i thought he knew i was sorry."

"he knows you're sorry.  he let his anger get ahold of him.  it happens to the best of us.  he's going to come back and apologize."  sam answered.

and of course, sam was right.  a few hours later, castiel came back to the bunker and apologized for hurting you.

"y/n..." castiel sighed, "i'm-i'm so sorry for what i did.  i didn't mean to do it.  i-i don't know what happened to me."

you walk away from him.  you knew it wasn't the best idea but you did it anyway. 

a few hours later, you went into the kitchen to cook yourself dinner.  you noticed castiel was drinking.  this was unusual, even for him, the most unusual man you knew. 

you finally began to forgive him.  you felt bad that he was beating himself up over this.  you knew that him doing that wasn't alright, but you had to forgive him.  you knew that he didn't mean it and he was a good person in the long run. 

you decided that it would be best to tell him this when he wasn't drunk off of his ass. 

the next afternoon, you decided to tell him what you were thinking and you did exactly that.

"castiel, i'm sorry for ignoring you.  but you must understand why i did.  it wasn't alright for you do do that, and it still isn't.  you know this.  but, i don't want you beating yourself up over this.  though our relationship won't be the same, i think we'll be able to get past this."  you hug castiel after saying your sappy speech.

"i know it won't.  but i'm really sorry.  i don't know what happened.  but, i promise you, it will never happen again."

"i know it won't"   you smile. 

"the thing that will make me forgive you even more is... cuddles!" (i don't want to do this, she made me)

you and castiel spent the rest of the day cuddling each other and talking about life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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