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"Daddy" little Hepburn and Tracey squeal as their dad, Kurt walks in the door.

"Hey sweeties" he replies as he ruffles their hair.

Kurt's husband Blaine walks to the front hallway where the rest of his family are.

"Hey babe" Kurt says pecking his husband on the lips, Blaine doesn't reply but rather nods.

Blaine had been working all day, cleaning the house and trying to write songs for his new album whilst trying to look after his kids. 

Kurt walked into the kitchen and living area of the house, while Hepburn and Tracey latched themselves onto his legs. Kurt bends down to talk to his children,

"Can you two go play in your rooms, while I talk to your pa?" he asks them quietly

"Sure daddy" the two respond and walk upstairs to their respective rooms.

Kurt sets his bag onto the stool and leads Blaine over to the couch, Kurt sits down and Blaine curls up against him.

"What's worng Blainey?" Kurt asks his partner gently

"The stupid record company want my songs finished in three days and I have another seven songs to complete!" Blaine exclaims

Kurt understands how stressed Blaine is right now.

"Why don't we go for a walk with the kids? It'll be a nice break from being stuck in here all day, who knows it might give you some inspiration" Kurt suggests

"Yeah, yeah sounds like a good idea" Blaine replies

"HEPBURN, TRACEY GET YOUR SNEAKERS ON. WE'RE GOING FOR A WALK" Kurt yells as he walks up the stairs to get his sneakers on as well.

Once everyone has their sneakers on they lock the house and step outside, as the family walk it starts to rain, Kurt ushers everyone to stand under a shelter that used to be a bus stop. However Blaine does not listen and instead starts to spin around in the rain, he pulls his two kids who pull Kurt out into the rain, while Kurt grumbles about his clothes Blaine starts to laugh.

The rain stops and they continue to walk back home.

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