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I forgot to add this in the last chapter but when Clover meets Bucky it's suppose to take place like in between 18-12 months before Civil War.


Clover's Pov (2 months later)

So I convinced Bucky to let me stay with him and not give me away to some person. He also sorta believes that I'm an alien but he still has some doubts and gets confused. 

For 2 months I've been living with him. 2 months I've been away from my dad, my family. 

I miss them and have no way of getting back to them, let alone contacting them. But I guess it's nice here. Bucky gets us food from them market that is across the street from this building and I sometimes go with him.

The people here speak a language I don't recognize but I know at least 5 different languages, excluding english. I don't speak them good or at all but I know and can translate most of them.

So today was a day that Bucky went down to get some food for us. I offered to steal some of things he and I after learning from my dad, Yondu, and some other Ravagers when I was a Ravager. But Bucky said stealing was bad and I shouldn't do it.

He left about probably an hour ago so for an hour is was looking at his journals and stuff. A lot of the writings has has the same word coming up over and over again,


I don't know why but I guess it's important to him. So anyways I was reading a page that was about remembering how Steve one time climb on a box to find Bucky in a crowd, when I saw something out of the corner of my eye move.

I turned my head and saw a brown oval shape thing run really fast across the room in my direction. I screamed and immediately jumped to my feet. I climbed on top of an empty spot on the counter and looked down at what seemed to be an alien parasite on the floor.

It was standing near the wall when the front door to the apartment flew open and I heard Bucky call out my name.

"I heard you scream from the stairs, are you ok?!" He asked worried .

I pointed down at the brown thing while staying in top of the counter.

I shouted, "There is a parasite in this room! It's going to crawl into my head and eat my brains!" I wrapped my arms around my head in a way that sort of messed up my hair and enabled me to cover my ears partially.

Bucky looked to where I was pointing and he chuckled. I have him a confused look as he walked over to it.

 "It's not a parasite, it's a cockroach." He then stepped on it and I could here the crunch from under his shoe.

 I cringed, "Ew. It's creepy and disgusting."

 Bucky smiled, "You're not wrong about that."

 "This planet has weird creatures." I said as I climbed down the counter.

 He shrugged, "At least you know what a dog is." 

 "I saw dogs on a couple of planets and Knowhere."

 "What do you mean by no where?"

 I sat down on the mattress as I watched Bucky place the bag of food and stuff in the counter and pick up the dead cockroach with his metal hand.

 "Knowhere is a place inside a big dead guy's head." I answered.

 "Your life almost seems more crazier than mine, and you're only like what? Four, five years old?"

"My dad once told me that according to Earth years that I was born in 2010." I replied

I helped Bucky put away the food in the right places and after we were done we were both sitting on the mattress. He was writing down something in a clean page in one of his journals while he let me mess around with the fingers of his metal arm.

She's from the Stars ⭐ Bucky BarnesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang