Interviewing... MOIII!!!

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\(• ∇ •)/ <Hellllllloooo! Who out there thinks today is a wonderful day? MEE!

/(• ∇ •)/ <What I'm doing for you today is interviewing... DAT 1 GUY!!

/(ಠ^o,)\ <My name's Dat 1 Guy, not DAT 1 GUY!!

/(• - •)\ <Sorry..

/(• ∇ •)\ < So Dat 1 Guy, what is your favourite colour?

/(ಠ^o,)\ <hmmm...

\(ಠ^o,)/ <MAJIK!!

/(• - •)\ <...

/(• - •)\ <Thank you..

/(• ^ •)\ <How did you get so famous?

/(ಠ>o,)\ <...

/(ಠ^o,)\ <I didn't.

/(• - •)\ <Okay...

/(• ^ •)\ <What is your favourite book that you've written?

/(ಠ^o,)/ <Easy!

\(ಠ^o,)/ <All of them!

/(• - •)\ <...

/(• - •)\ <(What am I doing with my life..)

/(• – •)\ <(Why did I even think this was a good idea..)

/(• — •)\ <(Please.. Why..)

\(ಠ^o,)/ <Thy And! I has been interviewed!

By Dat 1 Guy

\(• ∇ •)/ <YUS!!! IT'S FINISHED!

Interviewing... MOIII!!!Where stories live. Discover now