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There was blood everywhere, covering the surrounding walls in a deserted street. Many bodies lay around my standing form, dead and unmoving. This is what I had become. A killer for no reason at all, except when I'm hungry. I've tried my best every time but it just doesn't seem to work out for me.

Every blood I try to give my body, it simply rejects it. There is only one that I can handle at the moment, and that is level E. Their out of control forms filled with blood that seemed almost rotting. It's the last stage where a vampire's sanity leaves them, and gets themselves killed in the end by a hunter. I stepped out from the pile as the bodies started disappearing. At least that part helps with cleaning. I don't have to haul them into a huge garbage bin or anything like that.

I've lived in this city for a long while now. It's not a city that I don't know about. I used to live here with my family, my parents. They had died trying to protect me. It is because I am a princess. A pureblood princess of the Kuran clan. Kuran Ridou, my father's brother, had only wanted me for my blood.

If he gets me, then I'm as good as dead. But I had ran when my parents told me too. I was weak back then, and I couldn't save them.


"Akane run!" My mother pushed my out the back door just as the front door busted open, my uncle standing at the entryway with a sinister smile. "Come here Akane, let your dear uncle suck your body dry." I knew he meant my blood and I was terrified of him that I started shaking.

"Over my dead body." My father stood in front of us and stared at his brother with a calm face. "That can be arranged." My uncle laughed before launching himself at my father. Mother pulled me away from the fighting scene and ushered me out the door again.

"Get away from here as far as you can and don't you even dare turn around!" I nodded my head while giving her a crushing hug before running into the deserted streets heading as far away from the town as possible.

I came back a few weeks later only to find the house empty and two piles of clothes on the living room floor, along with blood that dried on the floor. A vampire's body naturally perishes when they die, so I knew I couldn't bury them. So I just placed a monument in the backyard to remember them.


Now I am much stronger. There's is nothing nobody can say or do to defy me. They must listen to my orders without protest. Especially the Council and they really don't have much of a choice.

I walked back into my house and closed the door softly behind me. It's kind of lonely here, but I don't mind. It's better than feeling guilty of taking people's lives from them without a second thought. Then after I remember about the person's family, that had made me feel even worse.

This is my life that I live everyday. I wake up, eat, do something that doesn't bore me, and sleep. The process starts all over the next day. Nothing much to it. If only there was something more exciting in my life. I climbed into bed and stared at the ceiling thinking what life must be like away from this city.

As a bonus Ridou had killed everyone who lived here and drank their blood dry. So this place is nothing but deserted, empty, non-civilized. No open coffee shops or restaurants anymore for delicious meals other than blood.

I closed my eyes and slept for that night.


I woke up when I heard knocking on the door. 'I must be imagining it.'  I pulled the covers over my head and tried falling back to sleep. But the knocking was still there. 'I swear if it is a level E.'  I stood up and walked to the door. I looked through the peephole and saw a boy there.

He didn't seem to have that killing aura, so I opened the door cautiously, just in case. I stared at the boy and he stared back, looking into my soul. He had dark brown hair like mine with dark red eyes to match. Nice coincidence. He bowed his head and I bowed in return. "Are you Princess Akane?" He asked.

"It's considered rude not to give your name first." I replied, letting him in. He sat down in the living room couch and crossed his legs. I sat across from him in my dad's old recliner . 'What could this guy want? As long as it doesn't concern money we're good to go.'

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Kuran Kaname." 'A Kuran? Maybe he is from my other uncle's family.'  "It's nice to finally meet you Kaname." I smiled at him. "My name is Kuran Akane." He smiled back, happy he got his answer quickly. "What are you doing here?"

"I am here to ask if you would like to come to Cross Academy. It is a school made for regular students and vampires." He stated, simply getting strait to the point. I like the proposal he's making, but I'm just not sure if I could even try staying there for an entire day. "That's sounds like a nice place, but I am afraid to go near normal humans. I would eventually try to kill them."

"If it's blood your worried about, there is no need to. The school has tablets that are blood flavored that will keep down your thirst. If it doesn't fit to your taste their are stronger ones you can try as well." That sounds like a good bargain. If there is something that will keep me from killing innocent people, I'll gladly do it.

"Sure. I guess I can handle that much." He smiled and stood up, walking towards the door. "I will come pick you up tomorrow then." He waved and disappeared. Well, that could be taken as a life changing event.

Cross Academy. It has a nice ring to it. I wonder if I'll even like it there. Considering if I have to take classes with humans, I'll probably go insane. Might as well go back to sleep. I climbed into bed again and made myself comfortable before sleeping the day away.

'I can't wait for tomorrow to come.'

This is my first vampire knight fanfic so please go easy on me.

Tell me how I did, cause that will depend if I should keep going with this book or delete it like the rest that I didn't feel were loved.




^-^ Thanks!

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