Chapter 1

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What do you want to drink? Blake said from the kitchen as I came in.

Nothing right now I'm good for now I said back to Blake I'm about to head up to your room.

Sure whatever.

I'd never stop wondering at how big Blake Ace room is it was practically as big as his house is which his house looks like a mansion. There were a lot of rooms upstairs and downstairs there was forty-inch TV upstairs and there was a pool table and the big heated hot-tub and pool inside & outside.

I always treated this like a second home it's the only place that I really felt more comfortable at and that is in Blake's room.

I had open the door to his room and saw how mess it was but he is just like any other sixteen year old boys what I'm talking about is his room but I still like it just the way it is.

So anyway I had throw myself on to Blake's bed liking the it feels to me.

We had became bestfriends since we were born and plus our mom's were bestfriends too so yeah and they both knew each other since school days I'm talking about our mom's by the way so pretty much me and Blake had grew up together. We might as well be brother and sister and the other cool part is that we were born on the same day.

He's my bestfriend and always will be even if he did make me mad sometimes or just annoying the hell out of me.

We need to decide what we are going to do for the carnival and I mean right now I said.

I know he said messing with his hair and scrunching up his face can't we just do a football theme? Um I don't so and plus that is already taken so now we have to come up with some more ideals yeah, yeah I know that Blake.

Why do we have to come up with this anyway? Can't we just manage the event and just make the other student's do the work?

You're the one that had said being on the school council would be cool and you said that the colleges would look at our applications.

But you are the one that agreed to it.

Because I thought that it would be cool to be on the dance committee I said I didn't realize that we had to do the carnival too.

Well this sucks tell me about it.

How about we do a dunning thing? That's already taken to then how about we do a movie booth? That would very, very lame and plus nobody would come to that yea that is so very, very true Blake said.

I really don't know what to come up with then give it time we will think up something soon oh how about we do the ice bucket challenge? I think that would be cool we just might.

Ok fine so what do you suggest our booth be about?

I shrugged because the truth was that I had no idea. Were pretty much screwed if we don't come up with a booth idea then we will end up getting kicked off of the council which means that I can't do my or his college applications next year which would suck for the both of us.

I don't know. I can't think when it's this hot outside.

Then take off your sweater then come up with something.

I had rolled my eyes at him then Blake had started looking on google to see if he can find anything for our booth on their I then tugged my sweater over my head to take it off I had felt the sun on my stomach when I took it off I tried to wriggle my arms back through so that I could pull my shirt back down

Blake I kind of need your help like right now.

He had sniggered at me and I had heard him get up but I couldn't see him and at that moment his door was open then I asked Blake if he was still in here? And he said that he was so I said are you going to help me or not? He had said that he is but as I said that I had heard a different voice in the room with us.

Then I had said what do you want Ashton? Then he had said if your going to be taking off your clothes at least lock the door.

That was when I had froze and my cheeks had turned a bright red then that was when Blake had tugged down my shirt leaving my hair a little bit messy.

Hi Angel Ashton had said I let Blake get away with it but Ashton was another story entirely. He did it to annoy me nobody else dared called me Angel not after I had yelled at Max for it in the second grade now everybody calls me Ange for short Angel. Just like nobody else dared call him Ashton except for Blake and his parents: everybody else called him by his last name which is Ace.

Hey Ashton I said back with a sweet smile.

His jaw had clenched and his dark eyebrows rose a little like he was daring me to carry on calling him that I just smiled back and that sexy smirk returned.

Ashton was just about the hottest guy around here believe me on that and I'm not exaggerating about it. He has dark hair and baby blue eyes he is tall with broad shoulders he has a. Very, very cute nose Ashton isn't a stranger when it comes to fighting he has never been suspended for them to be honest I think that Ashton is so intelligent that he could get into an ivy league college and plus he is the star on the football team too.

I use to have a crush on him but I don't I think I do anymore? Because I had realized that I was way to out of his league and always would be. Even though he was unbelievably hot so I had started to act like my normal self around him because there's no chance in hell that he would look at me or even date me for that matter because to him I would always be his little brother best friend.

I already know that I have an effect on you Angel so stop acting like you don't like when you know you do and that means that you should really try to keep your clothes on the next time.

I had laughed sarcastically at him and said to him dream on big boy.

What are guys doing anyway?

I was wondering for a second why he was interested but I had shrugged it off Blake had said trying to come up with an idea for booth for the carnival.

They had both looked at me like I couldn't come with an idea..

Soundslike crap to me.

Hey whatever anyway Blake I just wanted to tell you that mom and dad are going away tonight so party at ten.

Ok cool then.

And Ange don't try to take your clothes off in front of everybody tonight for me ok.

You know I only have eyes for you I said innocently.

Ashton just laughed a little than started smirking then he had started tapping away on his phone-probably broadcasting a message about the party. Just like Blake was doing and just like that he turned to leave the room I couldn't help but let my eyes drag after his cute butt..

Can you stop checking out my brother for a few seconds Blake teased.

I had blushed and shoved him away and told him to shut up.

I thought that you said were over your crush on him Blake had said.

I am doesn't make him any less hot.

Blake had rolled his eyes at me and said hey whatever you're gross sometimes you know that right.

I had went over to the computer Blake was leaning over the chair his chin resting on the top of my head.

Then I had clicked to the next page of search results and scrolled down seeing my eyes glaze over to scanned the page.

I had stopped because something had catched my eye just as Blake said hold up there.

We both had stared at the screen for a few minutes then Blake stood up and spun me around to face him and we both had identical smiles on our faces.

A kissing booth we both said at the same time grinning as Blake gave me a high five.

This is going to be so cool.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2018 ⏰

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