3 ¦ Angel of Death

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On the path to Brallín, I met a fallen angel. As we walked together along the forest path, she told me an inspiring tale...


Miller refused to let me fight
Because I was not a man.
So I drew my sword up to his neck.
"Perhaps you can think again."

The guard shook his head and said,
"Fine, kid, what have ya got?"
I aimed an ax at a wooden man
And cut his head clean off.

He was shocked and raised his brow.
"Damn! You're a hell of a fighter.
What's your name, you vengeful dame?
You should fight amongst our number."

"Raquel della Garda is my name,
But they call me the Angel of Death.
If anyone tries to hurt my own,
They'll be drawing their last breath."

Once we fought on the battlefield,
There came bolts and blades and fire.
I used my shield till Miller was healed,
And he gazed at me with desire.

After I knew my friend was safe,
I slashed our foes with steel.
That day an arrow pierced my chest,
But we crushed our foes like meal.

Fate preferred to spare my life,
For that war was not my last.
Many years later, I'm a General,
And male dominance has passed.

--Gwella Runekeeper, from They Knew Not of Defeat

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