My Happiness... Is gone...

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(To The Readers, Pls... Do. Not. Read.)

Depressing life....Aint that amazing... sure I am a happy bear cuz im a funtime bear but my happiness is gone... im depressed, every piece of my mind is crumbling, my sanity is almost gone.... i am considered dead but i force myself to be alive...

To whom this may concern, pls do not comment and think about what you did.... you made me wait for so long... and made me wait and made me worry again and again... im tired and heart broken, im forced to wait in the darkness with no one else beside me.... i do not worry about you anymore.. i had enough... i had it.... im done for..... im sorry.... fuck..... i cant take this.... FUCKKKKKK!!!!!!!

What am i even saying... i shoudnt be saying this, im a loyal and patient bear, i should keep my promise... hopefully im still alive..... for now....

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