New Friend

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Alfred wasn't exactly sure....what he found, at first.

The American had been walking back from the grocery store, not too far from his apartment. Deciding to take a shortcut through the park, something had caught his eye.

At first, he thought it was dead. Alfred was about to move on because nature was nature, things died all the time.

But then he noticed it moved.

Crouching down to get a better look at the animal, which Alfred then identified as a cute little tan....rabbit? The American noticed that he had a broken hind leg. The poor thing tried desperately to sit up and hop away, scared of the giant human before him, but to no avail. Alfred pitied it, tsking softly.

"Poor thing," The American softened, hearing the bunny's soft squeaks as he desperately tried to escape. Alfred huffed. He wasn't sure what to do — his landlord didn't exactly approve of animals (that bastard), and he didn't have a cage to keep the creature in.

But he couldn't just leave him here in the cold, that would be cruel, wouldn't it?

Alfred undid his scarf that shielded his neck from the stinging cold, finding a way to gently wrap around the injured bunny. He squirmed at first, in which Alfred gently cooed "Shhh, shhh, I know you're scared, little guy. But you'll be alright."

It was almost as if the small rabbit understood him, ceasing his squirming. He was in a good amount of pain; squirming hurt more anyway. The bunny was still rather cautious of what the rather tall human was doing, watching every inch of Alfred's movements.

It only took a few more minutes for Alfred to make it back to his apartment, sighing in relief once he entered the warm building and holding the scarf-wrapped bunny close to his chest.

"We made it, and look," Alfred looked outside through the tall glass door, up at the clouds. "It looks like it's about to snow."

The bunny didn't reply, of course, keeping himself shrunken in the warm scarf as he kept his eyes on Alfred. The American looked down at the small rabbit and smiled warmly from behind his slightly foggy glasses. "Don't worry, little dude, I'll make sure your leg is all healed up and before you know it, you'll be back into the real world!"

Alfred took no hesitation as he carried the little bunny up a couple flights of stairs to his apartment door, unlocking his door with a free hand and tenderly carrying the bunny and his groceries inside. "My place may not look like much, but it's alright." Alfred said as if the small animal in his arms could reply, sighing as he closed and locked the door behind him. He set his groceries on the kitchen counter, and carried the small floppy-eared bun to his room, gently setting him on his bed.

"You wait here," Alfred said, tempted to pet the bunny's ears. He stopped himself. "I'll go look for stuff to tend to your leg with."

And he disappeared into his bathroom, flicking the light on and shuffling through cabinets.

The bunny couldn't walk, but he could inspect. He poked his head further out of the scarf, reaching to see what he could. What an interesting flat. The humans' walls were lined with hero posters and treasured comic books, his desk had a closed laptop on it with many action figures. Oh, so this humans a dork, the bunny thought to himself. He gently sniffed the air, senses flooded with mcdonald's wrappings and taco bell. Ew.

More inspecting. The bunny averted his gaze to look by the Americans closet, noticing his clothes messily aligned along the rack. Some clothes stray out, making almost a trail on the floor to Alfred's plush bed. The bunny reached as much as he could to lightly sniff the shirt strewn on Alfred's bed, and twitched slightly. He needed to do laundry.

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