Chpt 10: Dirt On My Shoulder

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Looking for some feelings in the lost and found
thinking how we supposed to hold each other down if we can't even hold on a conversation...
-Big Sean


I tossed the last bag in the back of my truck before turning around to both my girls. Mia stood staring off into space while Paris reached for me with that million Dollar smile of hers. Picking her up I tickled her kissing both cheeks. "Imma miss you princess."

She laughed kissing my forehead. "You'll be back daddy. Three days." Holding up three fingers she waved them in the air. "Three days princess." Looking over at Mia she hadn't changed her posture one time since she's been standing there. "Babe, what's wrong, why you looking that way?"

"Huh? Nothing Kayden I'm fine." Walking over to me she pecked my lips and took Paris out my arms. "See you.."

"Three days mommy."


"Alright then, bye see you Saturday babe." Flashing a quick smile she turned and headed back to the apartment. I watched them walk away and something didn't sit well in my stomach. I had a feeling I should cancel this connect and handle this family business but that could ruin a lot a I got planned, I couldn't be in two places at one time. I needed my back up. My twin.

Hopping in the truck I instantly called Brit. Her and Mari was still a little pissy about the whole symphony thing but I knew Brit had me regardless. We just had that stronger bond.

"Talk to me.."
"I need you to keep and eye on Mia. A close one."


Setting Paris plate down in front of her on the table I walked in the living room sitting on the couch. I've been distant from everyone lately. Nobody knew I knew and I didn't want them too. I wanted to forget myself. Well part of me did. A stronger force wanted me to reach out to my father. I couldn't handle this. I need my best friend. I called Dest, who still wasn't back from seeing her moms. "Hello?"

"Hey can I speak to Destinee, it's Mia." I heard shifting in the background and her mother yell her name. Shortly dest got on the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey pooh, I miss you."

"Hey Mia, how's everything?"

I let out a hard sigh rubbing through my hair. "Not too good mama."

"Talk to me. The shop okay?"

"Yes girl the shop is beyond okay, we waiting on you to touch down to talk finishing touches but it's more of family that's got me stressed."

"I'm listening.."

"My dad um.. My moms- she had uh- " I blew my breath. " dad is alive, my moms lied and not only is he alive he knows about me and Kayden.. Kayden knows him."


"I don't know a bunch of business flaws and alliances and shit." I felt the tears slipping down my cheeks and I wiped them.

"Mia you're crying aren't you boo.."
"Shut up.."

She chuckled. "Get it off your chest ma im listening."

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