Basic Info

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Hello and welcome to my story! Here is some basic info on the reader's character. 

Name; (Y/n) (M/n) Ozpin (Side note: I understand that Ozpin is more than likely Professor Opzin's first name, but I am using it as a last name here for the future, I don't want any hate comments on this please)

Age; 17

Parents; Father: Professor Ozpin Mother: unknown, deceased 

Hair color; gray/silver (Like Ozpin's, though his is more than likely of age)

Hair style; (if long) in a bun, (if short) left down, but straightened (This is for a more professional look)

Eye color; Green with flakes of gold

Clothes; however you wish, but sometimes will be specified

Aura color; (f/c)

Semblance; Time manipulation

Please let me know if I left out any other important info and enjoy the rest of the story!

Ozpin's Daughter, RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now