Episode 1

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~(Y/n) pov~

As I was finishing off a group of Beowolves, I heard my scroll ringing from my jacket pocket. I sighed as I finished off the last Beowolf, answering my scroll without bothering to look at the I.D.

"Hello?" I said, obviously annoyed.

"Now is that a way to say hello to your dad?" The caller, my dad, asked.

I sighed heavily. "No," I shot a Beowulf coming straight for me, "but I'm kind of in the middle of something here."

"Oh, I see. So you have no time for your father now that your a huntress, hm?" Ozpin asked.

"I comes with the job doesn't it?"


I shook my head as I put my gun away. "Anyways, what's the occasion? Usually I have to call you don't I?"

"Well you haven't in the past year, (Y/n). However, I do have a new proposition for you. But first I need you to come back to Beacon. I do want some time with my one and only daughter." Dad stated.

"I suppose I can." I said, stepping into the bullhead that was waiting for me. "I'll be there as soon as I can, dad."

"That's my girl. See you soon." He replied, clearly smiling on the other end of the line.

"Yeah. See ya." I said before hanging up. "Change of plans," I said to the pilot, "Head back to Vale, I need to meet with someone." I said, sitting down. "Yes ma'am." The pilot replied. I hope this doesn't turn out like the last time dad did this. Last time he invited me to Beacon for no apparent reason, I left charred, literally. Someone had the bright idea to place a mini bomb beside my bed and, let's just say it didn't end up well for them. But the time before that, he had invited me to join Beacon at the age of eight.


It was the morning of my eighth birthday and my dad had asked me if I wanted to come with him to work. I was thrilled, excited to be with my dad for the entire day rather than being stuck at home with a babysitter. That day proved to be an exciting one. Even though I was very much mature for my age, although I still had those instances when I acted like my age.

I had made a fool of myself on more than one occasion, one of those involving my dad's cane. He had left it on 'my' side of his desk while he was talking to someone on the other side of the room. My grubby little eight year old hands reached for it and I had decided to use it as a weapon against my father's chair. And boy was it a sight, I had parried and fought hard against his evil chair, though failing to protect myself as it swung back around and caught me by surprise as I was gloating to my dad. As I was falling, I had snapped my fingers unconsciously, causing me to stop falling. I recollected myself and stood, finding that time itself had stopped; I had discovered my semblance. I walked over to my dad and waved at him, becoming irritated that he didn't wave back. I quickly remembered that time had stopped and snapped my fingers again, this time receiving a shocked expression rather than a wave back. My dad looked at me, eyes wide and mouth agape.

"Did you just..." He started, trying to figure out what happened. "Did you just use your semblance?" He asked, receiving a nod from me in response. My dad smiled proudly and picked me up, ruffling my (h/l) hair. "I'm so proud of you!" He exclaimed. "That's my girl." He said, beaming with all the fatherly love and pride in the world. That was the day I had discovered my semblance, time manipulation.

~End flashback~

"We're here." The pilot said, snapping me out of my daydream. "Thank you, have a nice day." I replied, exiting the bullhead. As he had landed us near some bullheads leaving for Beacon, I boarded the closest one to me, standing beside a window and leaning against a wall. I watched two young girls enter the ship, one blonde and the other had black hair with red highlights. I checked the date on my scroll. 'All of these kids must be the new freshmen this year. Well it looks like I got here just in time.' I thought, seeing as though we were in the air now.

All of the newbies 'oohed' and 'awed' at the scenery as we climbed our way towards Beacon. But one boy in particular was not enjoying the sights, as he was currently busy hurling his breakfast in the nearest trashcan. Some of it splattered towards the blonde, aiming for her shoe. I stepped on her foot so that the puke wouldn't get on her shoe, I needed new boots anyways. These poor things are practically worn out.

"Hey!" The blonde yelled, glaring holes through my sunglasses. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "You better be grateful that none of that throw-up didn't get on your shoe, young lady." I moved my sunglasses to the top of my head, so I could get a better look at her now red irises. She looked at my shoe and then Vomit Boy. "Oh uh thanks I guess." She said, scratching the back of her head as her irises turned back to their lilac color. I nodded and then looked away, moving my sunglasses back on my face.

"I'm Ruby by the way." The younger said, trying to make small talk with me. I nodded and then looked at the blonde. The pair were obviously sisters, half-sisters to be more precise. Ruby looked exactly like someone I knew a while back. She elbowed the blonde. "Oh um I'm Yang, Ruby's-" "Half-sister." I cut in. She looked surprised. The bullhead landed, everyone starting to make their way out. I turned to walk out, but not before turning to look at the duo again. "The name's (Y/n)." I said, winking at them before turning to leave. Vomit Boy whizzed by me, running for the nearest trash can available. Everyone gave him weird stares before heading to their destinations. I looked up at Beacon Tower and smiled. "Good to be back home."

As I was reminiscing, a particularly large thing slammed into my back, an explosion following the impact. I turned to find Ms. Ruby had fallen into me, due to the explosion of some dust. I was sure that my back was black now, not that my suit wasn't already black, however the green parts aren't as green anymore. I looked up from Ruby to find a Schnee, specifically Weiss Schnee glaring at Ruby, and now me. (I'm sorry but I'm not taking the time to type everything word for word) "How dare you be so careless! This is high quality dust from the Schnee Dust Company that you so recklessly destroyed!" Weiss yelled, pointing an accusatory finger at Ruby. "I-I'm sorry?" Ruby apologized. "Oh you better be!" Weiss yelled again. I heaved a heavy sigh and looked at Weiss. "Now now, don't get your panties in a wad. It was clearly an accident, Schnee. Stop acting like your royalty and actually accept her apology. Ruby did not mean to do that." I said calmly, helping Ruby up. Weiss's mouth opened and closed like a fish before finally closing and turning away with a "Hmph." I shook my head and started to walk away. Ruby reached out and grabbed my arm. "Wait!" She said, looking at my happily. "I think I recognize you! You're (Y/n)-" I covered her mouth. "Can you please not announce my arrival to every single being in Anima?! I'm trying to go unnoticed here." I let her go and got her to let me go. "I'll see you around, kid."


I sighed as I was in the elevator going up to my dad's office, many memories coming back to me. Especially the one when I was called up with team STRQ regarding my...bullying problems. They were really the only ones there for me I suppose. Anyways, I was just hoping that my dad would have an extra cup of hot cocoa for me.

The elevator doors opened to my dad sitting at his desk drinking his cocoa, with another EMPTY glass sitting beside him. He froze in his spot and looked at me before setting down his glass. "There's my beautiful daughter." He said, standing to walk over to me. "Hey dad." I replied calmly, walking over to him. "How have you been?" He asked nervously, his eyes looking over to his mug ever so often. "Just dandy." I replied, lifting my hand and snapping my fingers, freezing time. I walked over to my dad's mug and picked it up, taking a sip of the hot cocoa. Also, I decided to hide his cane. I walked back over to my father, mug in hand, and snapped my fingers again. "Think twice before drinking my cocoa next time." I said snarkily. My father sighed. "Well I thought you were going to be late...again. You're always late to everything, (Y/n)." He said, shaking his head. "But not to a fight." I added in. He shook his head with a grin and sat down in his chair. "Please, have a seat." He said. I obliged.

"So, what did you need to ask?" I asked while taking a sip of my drink. "Well, you've been gone for a while and I think it's about time you 'moved' closer to home." He started, but I interjected. "Aww you missed me. Admit it, you missed me." I said, smirking and receiving a sigh in response. "Yes I did, but I have a job offer for you. I want you to come back and teach here at Beacon. You would teach history and strategy for first and second year students." He said, looking at me straight in the eyes. I sighed and rubbed my temple, thinking long and hard about this. It was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. "I understand-" "I'll do it." I said, cutting my dad off. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah, it'd be fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2018 ⏰

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