Untitled Part 1

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  I wake up to my brother, Wolfram, jumping on the end of my bed. Without a second thought I shoved him off the bed. His arms flail as he falls onto his back, and yelps in pain.

" You can't keep jumping on my bed! You're thirteen, brother, stop acting like youre seven!" The words leave my mouth louder and sharper than I had anticipated. I loved him with all my heart, but he needs to grow up and stop with his ridiulous dreams. I can only try to stiffle his boosted ego, I want the best for him.

He shot up and whined,"I'm telling mom!"

With that he ran out of my room, his reaction was most likely exaggerated. It's hard to understand what he's actually feeling. Wolfram is very used to getting what he wants, while I perfer to train and work towards what I want. A better exaple of our diffrences is how we want to amount to something, Wolfram is set on marrying into royalty while I train everyday to be able to a Bellator, our warriors. Though for the time being I am stuck training to be a patrulhas, someone who will patrol the land. A protecter still, just less glorified. Less glory.

My mother, Amore, called out to me, "Sparrow! Would you stop acting so childish? I sent your brother in there to wake you, now go fetch some milk from Diro."

Diro is the orphaned inn/shop keeper, he's also my best friend. We've know each other since we were little, nothing more to say. I head out, after I grab my shatchel and gloves. One of my gloves is recently torn and hasn't had time to be patched as I have been busy helping my father with his work as he had recently fallen ill.

I close the door behind me and look up at the sky, the sun hadnt reached mid-way so its morning. My steps quicken as I walk through the almost empty street, almost empty means I can walk through the streets without bouncing from person to person. I live close to the kings castle so my town can never be completely deserted .  At least I know what its like to be alone in a crowd. Someone shoulders past me, causing me to stumble to the side. I find my way to the inn, which is connected to a small shop.

"Hello, Arrow," Dior offers an affectionate smile, "here for milk?"

I smile, and nod. He turns around and goes into the back to fetch some milk, and then he brings it back. The price for the milk had raised by a bronze but I hadn't the heart to tell my mother. We were already struggling enough, I just have to make that money, help out a little. I counted out the seven bronze and placed it on the counter. I take the milk off the counter without missing a beat, he doesn't care to count the bronze as he puts the change into its own box.

"Did Wolfram tell you what he did yesterday?"

I looked up. Worry and fear taking their places in my brain, both fighting over what he could have done. He only would have kept it a secret if he actually did something wrong, he knows wrong from right. My hand goes up to tangle itself in my hair.

"No, what did he do?"

Dior gave a small sigh before looking back at me, " I heard that he-he went to help a poor man that feel in the street, but nagged a pearl from him."

I groan without realizing it. Wolfram needs to return what he stole, have morals. Stop playing the stereotype of our kind, we may be Metamorfo, but we are NOT the scum thief of society. I end up storming back to him home, a rage lit in my soul. If my parents won't punish him for this behavior, then I will tell him what he is doing. How wrong it is.

I throw the milk jug on the table, I am very lucky that it didn't explode.

The door to Wolfram's room feels lighter than normal as it swung open. He jumps up, slipping what he had in his hands into his pants pocket. The door loudly, or did I slam it? I honestly don't know. I thought my words would hold the same sharp edge they usually do, but as I spoke my voice seemed to be a void of those feelings. It came out very serious.

" Show me what you just tried to hide." It sounded less like me, I didn't even feel like myself.

"I didn't try to hide anything!" His voice a panicked rush.

"Don't lie to me."

Wolfram seemed to shrink back as he gave me the small gem, it wasn't a pearl. I have no idea what it is, it has the white coloring of a pear though. Its carved into the shape of a tiny skull, like a raven's. Every part of my body is tense as I glare down at him, but I can't stay in his room for much longer as I hear a loud banging on the door.

3rd POV---


The thirteen year old boy raced into his sister's room, without missing a beat he jumped up onto her bed. Wolfram kept jumping until Sparrow woke up, and knocked him down.

"Grow up! You need to stop acting so childish!" Her voice sharp even though that was not how she intended it.

The boy twists as he falls, but fails to turn himself around and ends up falling on his back. He let out a whine before jumping back up. He ran back out the door.

"I'm telling mom!"

The barely of age woman dragged herself from her bed, she stretched her sore limbs. Yesterday had been a very long day for her, she just couldn't bring herself to realize that she needed to stop training. The pain was worth it though, some day she would be a Bellator. The warriors that raced into battle without thinking twice about it, be someone that everyone admires. That is what she aspires to be, and she is willing put blood, sweat, and tears into it. Currently though she is stuck with her family's career as a patrulhas, people that just scavenger the land and ask people if they have anything to donate to the royals. They were, on their best day, treated like scum.

As Sparrow left her room her mother called her over. Amore's face looked tired, worn out from the exhausting life she's lead.

"Please act your age. I need you to get some milk."

Sparrow give her a tired smile as she took the bronze coins from her mother's brittle hands, as Sparrow walked out the door she slipped her own coin into the mix. The prices at the neighborhood shop had risen a few moons ago, but her mother had been stuck in the house only able to send Sparrow out. Seeing how stressed her mother has been she decided mentally to not tell her about the change in prices until they hopefully drop again.

Sparrow forgot to grab her bag when she walked out the door, which isn't too bad of a loss she realized when she walks down the normally busy street. They lived in the village to

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