Chapter 1

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 I couldn't sleep at all that night. It was like my brain knew what was coming. What was going to happen next in my life. I'd just dropped out of high school, and I didn't have anything planned for my future, so it wasn't like I had anything to really look forward to besides the fact that I wanted to see the world. I wanted to be able to attend expensive looking parties and meet people most people from my town would never meet. It was stupid. I knew it was, but since I was little I wanted to someone like that. Someone that could just be apart of things normal people couldn't be apart of. I didn't want to be famous, but I also didn't want to be a proud company owner. I didn't know what I wanted to be apart of or be for that matter. 

 I had plans that morning. I had to drop by school one last time for all of the meetings and cleaning I had to do. I was already dreading it. My locker was a mess and didn't even want to think about what could possibly be in there. The meetings weren't the worse possible thing the school could be making me do, but it was still aggravating. It was just going to be me, my parents, and a bunch of old women telling me I was ruining my future and that I needed to stay. My grades were spectacular as my teachers would say. My AP teachers hated that I was leaving, but I think it was mostly because I was one of the only students in AP that didn't complain and stress over the stupid little tests and quizzes. They were just tests, there were going to be more of them and I was the only student that didn't piss myself anytime they announced one.

 My parents also weren't happy with me dropping out either. My mother thought I was a slacker, and my dad just thought it was a phase. To be completely honest I don't know why I dropped out. It wouldve been my last year if I continued on, but its like something was telling me to just live before everything just became bland. I couldn't describe it. It's not paranormal. I don't believe in anything that crazy, but its like someone was sending me flashing signals. Maybe I was just tired, and bored with my life. 

Waverly was the first one to text me the following morning. She wanted to know what time I'd be on campus and if I wanted to get food with her and Hanna, but I knew I wouldn't be able to. I loved them but I just couldn't right now. My mother was grilling me about my messy locker all morning and I knew I would just want to sleep when I got home. Monique, my best friend, was already dragging me out to dinner with her and her new boyfriend to 'celebrate' me dropping out. It's as stupid as it sounds, not that I mind going out to eat with her, but the reason was for something completely horrendous. I have a feeling she just wants me to get to know Jake. We hadn't been able to hang out much due to him, so I'm guessing she's just trying to kill two birds with one stone. 

 "Madison you do realize you could be ruining your future with these choices? I mean you're exactly one year from graduating. You could hold out for one more year and be done. You'd be free to do what you want.", the old lady with the dark grayish hair acted as if I hadn't already thought of this. I knew what I wanted and I didn't need people yelling at me that I was making a mistake because I already got enough of it. 

 "I'm perfectly aware that I'm ruining my life already, so if could show me what I need to sign to finally finish this process then I'd be happy." I reached across the desk for the paper that had all of the information on it and immediately signed it. "Thank you for lecturing me. Ill be going to my locker now to clean everything out now and then ill be out of you hair."

 Walking down the hallway fro the last time was liberating. At least it felt liberating. My locker wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. There were ample amounts of paper and old bags of chips. Under all of it was a weird notebook from my freshman year that I hadn't even realized was in there. I shrugged it off and put it in my bag for later, and then continued to get all of the trash in the closed space to throw in the near by trash can. 

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