A Bite of Love

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August 28, 2025, 11:23 PM

At first, I was mad that I had done what I did. It wasn't like me at all, but the last few years had been horrible and I could not take it anymore. Drinking that much alcohol? It was something I had never done before; I rarely drank, and when I did it was just a glass of wine or something else that was just as harmless. So it was something different that I had never done before. I did try to get in my car, but I just could not fit the key into the car. Eventually, I gave up and just started walking.

Sometimes my eyes were open.

Then I snapped out, as if in a dream, for I hadn't been looking where I was walking, I had almost got ran over by a car. Well, actually, I did get hit. I could hear a weird sound that I wouldn't ever want to describe to anyone, but I knew my leg was broken, possibly worse. I laid on my back slightly breathing.

My eyes were open now.

I looked over at the car as it slowly drove away and sighed loudly. I didn't really feel drunk anymore. I felt completely awake and aware now, but I'm glad I couldn't feel the pain. And I did not feel it for some time. Before long, I saw an ambulance coming towards me. I looked over across the street from where I was lying. I thought that I had heard footsteps or some other kind of noise, as if someone was looking at me, watching me, and possibly recording all that had happened to later upload on some website. But nobody was there. No one was looking at me. And I have to admit, I was slightly surprised that there wasn't anyone, but then again, it had been late at night. The paramedics did what they could for me and then got me in the back of the ambulance and soon, I was out cold and when I finally came to I was already in a bed at the hospital.

I looked at around me, to make sure where I was, and then noticed that one of my legs were in a cast, but the other sort of hurt as well. I usually wasn't one to complain about pain, but it felt as if they had not even given me any pain medication. I looked around for a button, hoping the nurse would hurry, but before I could, the door opened, I sucked my breath in sharply, and slowly let it out.

She was there.

The nurse. She had something in her hand and was smiling beautifully at me. I felt mesmerized at first look. I quickly looked away, or thought I had, but instead had averted my eyes down to my disgraceful body. I looked up at her as she was putting a plastic bag somewhere. I tried not to stare at her beautiful eyes, or her pretty face, or her petite wonderful body. And hardly knew what she was even doing. It took a moment before I realized she had asked me something.

"What?" I croaked. My mouth was so dry that I could hardly speak. I cleared my throat and tried again. "What?"

"Any pain?" She said sweetly.


I averted my eyes out to the window which was very dark.

"Oh, well, there was a mix-up, you know how things are nowadays." She almost looked angry. "I tried getting this for you sooner, but they had to verify for it, and that took half an hour." She looked over at me and smiled. "Sorry, you didn't want to hear that."

"I'll listen to anything you say." I blurted out and looked away from her as I blushed.

What the hell is wrong with me? I thought to myself. Why had I said that aloud? I couldn't even blame the drugs.

I heard a soft laugh. "Thank you."

I slowly looked back at her. "I'm Aidan, by the way."

"Yes, I know." She smiled slyly as she quickly glanced at me. "Your name was on your ID. I loved the two books you published; I enjoy your work."

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