Zone 34

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August 12, 2030

10:44 PM

O.C. Zone 34

I looked up at the moon and it looked like it was getting fuller. I knew full well that the next full moon was about to happen, in just a few hours, but that did not bother me. I knew how to control the werewolf transformation by now. Nevertheless, I still felt a bit of nervousness that it might hit stronger than before. How was I supposed to know? I woke up like this one day and had been this way ever since. I shook my head out of the slight trance the moon held me in and walked from my junk bike, carrying the few bags of scrap I had found over my shoulder. I looked at my horrible and small building and was still not used to such terrible accommodations. I remember things had not always been this way, but I could hardly remember any other way. I dropped all the bags off in my small shed outside of my building and went inside. I went to my bathroom to wash up immediately, but the water did not work and instead had to content myself with just wiping the dirt off my face. My messy hair was all over the place and my overgrown sideburns made it seem like I was always in mid-transformation.

My strange red eyes were a bit startling, but with people using new nanotech to get their eyes change to whatever color they imagined, my red eyes usually went unnoticed. I was glad that I lived by myself on the outside of the city; I certainly do not want to be one of the brainwashed normies. I turned the light off and left the tiny bathroom and went into the other, main room where every other room was combined except my bedroom which was at the end of the hall, next to my tiny bathroom. I went to the small and pitiful stove and put another slice of spam onto the skillet. It was quite rare to find any normal food nowadays and wasn't some form of synthetic paste or IV drip for those who were too lazy to chew their food or were always hooked up to a VR world. While the meat was sizzling on the skillet I looked for some bread, it was whole wheat and very difficult to find, but I wanted to eat real food for as long as I could; I'd rather resort to eating upon humans like the cliche would have it go. With the Meat almost done, and the bread with the condiments on it, I slapped my last slice of real cheese on the meat, let it melt in the skillet before turning it off, and then put it in my sandwich.

I ate with one hand as I read a book in the other hand. The noise of the city and the Zone were my background music. The humming of neon lights could be heard even almost two miles where I was located outside of the city. There were also gunshots going off every two minutes, and car crashes every fifteen minutes. With being a Lycan, or Werewolf, my senses were with me always whether transformed or not. I also could hear the sounds of the Zone, rusty carts from the homeless peddling their homes with them. Small fights going on at the local bar, the sounds of sexual orgies happening no more than 100 feet away. Everyone here in the Zone had no money, or credits, to even come close to afford the modern tech that had been coming out. Nor did most want any of that stuff. We, the few, could see what it had done to the sleeping masses and wanted no part of it. I for my part could have many times bought computers, but one could not trust the new computers, full of SpyTech or AsTech, As being short for Assimilation. The older tech was no longer available; everyone had to have the modern tech or none at all.

The Government Corporations, or sometimes abbreviated to GovCorp, wanted all citizens to partake in this supposed, "technological revolution" blindly and ignorantly. Though technically it wasn't the law to own tech, it nearly was and a lot of us in the Zones figured it was only a matter of time before they rounded us all up and put us in one of the cities and forced us into the tech world. I finished the last bite of my sandwich and was finished with the chapter in the book I was reading. I bookmarked it and then placed it down. It was time I went through the scrap that I had gone through the ten hour day of work. Before I even stood up to go outside, I heard a loud clanking noise that came from outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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