looking for freedom

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olivers pov (all the way)

ugh its only been 3 hours and im already having to do some crazy crap for them starting with crossdressing for Yuki's sake and getting hit by Leon when I miss behaved or getting threatened to get killed by mayu but I was somehow alive and I didn't feel pain nor sadness I mean sure I wish I were with the others laughing performing on stage for everyone but I knew it was just a dream illusion a lie nothing and no one could save me from here so I am prepared for all the things to come at me.

"Ugh Oliver stop moving or I'll never be able to put these tights on you!" Yuki said slightly growling. If only I wasn't here I wouldn't be going through this humiliating experience I was wearing a very poofed out pink dress that she wore for her 8th birthday and now she is trying to make me put on some white tights with little pink bows. I was starting to hate those three thinking that they can keep me from outshining them it's fair cause everyone likes me more than them and it's not my fault that they do.

"Oliver don't zone out it makes you look attractive and makes me want to kiss you." Yuki cries blushing madly.

"Eeewww bloody hell no!" I reply looking at her dry chapped lips that are trying to steal my first kiss.

"Yuki time for dinner!!" Called Leon.

"Coming! You stay here my precious doll." She said while standing up smirking. After she left I felt like the happiest boy alive she was finally gone!! A warm tear rolled down my cheek soon another and another untill my face was flooding with them.

"What did I do to deserve to have this happen to me!? I would have been better off dead. Please someone save me........" I cried and whimperd at the ache of my sore back.

Mabey not Oliver's pov all the way (summers pov next day)

It was the next day and I didn't feel like getting up from bed I was tired and felt bad then suddenly I heard my phone buzz from my bedside table.

G=vocaloid girls

G- hey meet us at the back of the school near the fountain bring the other two along with you we want to know what you have so far ok!?

S=ok see ya in a bit.

Oh yeah that's why I don't want to get up.......I am scared myself of what would happen if the others haven't gotten anything what would it make us more importantly me I offered to help with confidence and promised that we would find him. I got up put my clothes and cloak on brushed my hair brushed my teeth washed my face and the rest of my morning routine and left my dorm to go knock at starlight's door.

'knock knock' the sound of me knocking echoed throughout the empty hall of the girls dorm. My hand was shaking my heart thumped loudly without a doubt I knew that it could be heard.

Starlight opened the door her eyes still looked tired but she looked ready for school.

"Are you ok star you look tired!" I said worriedly.

"I'm fine I just stayed up till 1 am trying to find out who our mystery coulprit was and well I found out who it was!" She said rubbing her eyes and smiled widely.

"Wait you did who is it!" I say my eyes suddenly widening I felt relieved.

"I'll tell you when we meet up with the rest."

"Ok! Here have this as a reward :D_🍪 come on I bet everyone is waiting for us!" I got a hold of her hand that was free and ran down the stairs and out the building to the back of the school as promised.

"Well what did you find!" Said Miku jumping up and down nervously.

"Found what?" Everyone looked back to see Len kaito and gakupo standing behind them.

'oh heck no'

Chapter by: Miss_maika I'm sorry I change my name a lot pls forgive me •~•°

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