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My phone began to ring once again.
I picked it up in a rush to see it was the unknown number.
I never answered a phone that quick in my life..

"Shhh he answered!!" I hear Kookie whisper in the background.

"Yoongi where are you?!" I hear Jin say into the phone with concern.

A lump begins to form in my throat..
"I-Is Jimin t-there." I say trying to sound ok..
It came off as pained and barely audible..
I hear the phone being passed around till something I never expected happened.

"Hello?" At that moment I began bawling.
It was to much to handle.

"J-Jimin i-im s-s-sorry. I a-am awful. I hate my-self for everything I did." I choke out.

"Yoongi stop crying." You say sounding serious.
I instantly listen.
"Where are you at Yoongi?" You say making me automatically tell you my location..

"Jimin I miss you so much. I love you I'm sor-" you cut me off leaving me speechless.

"Stay put Yoongi." You say emotionless before hanging up..

[Missing you]•YoonminWhere stories live. Discover now