Nightmares that kill

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After I got out the shower I went to the bedroom that me and tadashi share I had long sleeves because of my cuts, well I crawled into bed when tadashi walked in "are you ok bro your a little pale and shaky" he walked over to me and felt my head which made me blush a little "and really hot" 'no your hot' I mumbled even though I know he meant temperature hot "hm did you say something" "ngh n-n-no Of c-course n-not" I said blushing harder "get some sleep hiro ok I'm gonna drive us to school tomorrow goodnight" "o-ok good night" he hopped in his bed and we both fell asleep he fell asleep with nightmares cause of the fire and I woke up and ran to the bathroom with tears no not tears for me but tears for him "I'm ugly im stupid I'm a fuck up I hurt the only person I love it's time I died I don't matter I never did" I picked up the knife and put it over the candle until the knife was red hot and I cut myself deep and a lot I dropped the knife cause I felt dizzy I then looked at my arm and saw blood gushing out then I fell and hit the ground hard and last thing I remembered that was blurred was tadashi crying while calling something or someone on his phone "why why would you do this hiro...please don't die please don't" I then blacked out

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