Chapter 1

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"Yuki what is it that scares you the most in the darkness?"

"Umm ...... ghost? Maybe! Though I don't believe in them"

"jeongmal? ...... ghost. Anything else scares you?"

"I know that Lucy ...... but there is something that fascinates me"

"Yeah .... what is that?"

"Let's see ...... umm ...... VAMPIRES!!!"

"Wow....jinjayo?...... vampires? You know that they don't exist right!"

"you never know...there might be some in that forest"

**Pointing at the forest across the field**

" your dreams"

" believe in werewolves right then why can't I believe in vampires? Huh?"

"You have a point"

"By the way how is Natsu?"

"He's ok!" *blush*

"Waa...look at that blush!!"

"Oh shut up! Jebal!!"

"Hey do you wanna go to the forest with me?"

"Aniya...wae...are you going today?"

"I'm thinking of going"

" can't go out of the hostel in night....what about the roll call before 10? Huh?"

"I'll go after the roll call duh!!"

"Yeah right...whatever...if anything happens I'm not coming to save/help you!"

"Okie prob"

After the roll call~

Yuki POV

As I walked through the pavement towards the big entrance gate I could feel the night breeze slowly tensing my mind of the detentions and punishments I would receive if I'm found out outside.

The gate was quite wet from the dew drops settling on it. I opened the gate as it creaked open slowly.

I walked quite a way, to my disappointment I found no one. Should have never had high expectations.

Well I walked back to the hostel, reached the gate and~


An assassin running? A wild animal? A vampire? A werewolf? These were the questions running through my head as the voice continued and drifted away far...

Maybe it's just my imagination? But still it doesn't hurt to check right? I checked my watch 1:09 am.

It just turned 1:10 am when I felt a tap on my shoulder suddenly!

"Aaaaah.....who are you...why are you here.....I don't want to die yet....blah blah blah....."

I started shouting as I hit the persons chest...who suddenly grabbed me and pushed me to the ground. I shut my eyes in fear and my heart pounding really hard.    

"Please please...don't hurt me"

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