Chapter 6

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I took the shoe box and examined the content in it. There was pictures and letters or as I would call it, death threats. Lastly at the end of the shoe box was two letters that I would consider as the last threat and the last letter. I look at the letter and now everything made sense. Lara was in fact the murderer. I took the papers, the threats and the pictures. I started sobbing. It's just too much. I can remember what happened. It felt so fresh. I caressed my cheek and started to cry. The voice mail came again but I just wanted to leave my flat. I couldn't take it anymore.

5 hours later

I walked back to my flat and opened my door. I sat on my couch still feeling unsafe. I layed down and looked up to the ceiling trying to absorb all the things that are happening. Suddenly I heard my bed room door creak. I stood up and went to the kitchen to grab a knife. I walked slowly to my room and kicked the door open before swinging the knife up and down. I looked at a blank room. I sighed with relief. Thank God. I went back to the kitchen to put my knife on the counter and grabbed myself a drink. 

"Never leave your door open" someone said behind me

I turned around quickly and saw Lara standing in front of me. She looks different. She still has her long black hair but she wears a much decent clothes that doesn't look creepy.

I felt like I was being pushed back, I tried to look for a knife but then she laughed at me and said

"Looking for this?"

She raised 4 knives

I started to feel a shiver in my spine

"But this is not my favourite." she answered

She placed the knives on the table and raised a bigger one, it had blood dripping on it.

I started to cry, I felt helpless and terrified

"So I guess you know who killed Hillary"

She placed the bloody knife on the counter 

"Ugh, I hate her. Don't you?" she looked at me

I was shaking and tears were still falling from my eyes

"Answer me"

I nodded still shivering

"Why did you kill her?" I asked

"Because she was a little bitch" she answered

"She called me names. Bullied me. Made me cry"

She smiled

"I did the same"

She started to laugh and proceed to my phone

"Voice mail, voice mail, voice mail. Aha" 

She pressed the button to listen to the voice mail 

"You've got 1 voice mail from an unknown number. If you would like to listen to the voice mail press 1, if you would like to look at the number press 2, if you would like to save it for later press 3. Beep. Here is your voice mail. "

I could hear the same brrrr sound, afterwards a laugh and then two girls screaming 'HELP'. I looked at Lara and she started smiling.

"I love hearing myself laugh." she said

"Who-who said he-help?" I asked still terrified

"Guess, they own this blood" she answered

"Whose blood?" I asked

"Megan and Chelsea's blood" she answered laughing and staring at me

"What did you do to them?" I asked but she just looked at me and smiled

The Suicide Note (The New Girl sequel - book 2)Where stories live. Discover now